asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

:DMarhaban!! I am soooooo glad to have found THIS place!! I am interested in Moroccan Culture and it’s Language (Darija) and i absolutely want to learn how to speak it at least on a novice level! I have so many moroccan friends and alot of times i just wish i could join in on certain conversations.They help me wherever they can but I hope this forum can provide me with a proper boost:roll:



Welcome to you Najid. I hope that you’ll stick around to participate in the games, exercises and discussions. And I hope also that you’ll find here what you’re looking for.
You didn’t tell us where you’re from, where there is such a large Moroccan community!

Salam alnajid, w mr7ba bik 3ndna!

I am curious to know where you’re from too. If you’re still around, come and tells us a bit about yourself.


Good to have u here… looking forward to ur postings… :^^: take care…