a'asalam aleykum

[color=#8d46b8]Hi everyone;
Just found this forum two days ago. Still confused with the numbers used rather than script and the MSA I’ve obviously ‘wasted’ time learning. Now that I’m in Morocco I find my fiance’s family mixes Darija and Berber and am totally lost. My vocabulary is below minimal so forgive me while I try to pick up. [/color]

[color=#8d46b8]He’s patient and so is his family but it’s very frustrating to only be able to communicate with him and have to use sign language or really REALLY bad arabic when I need to interact with others. :frowning: Becoming illiterate at age 45 is a bit of a shock. But I LOVE Morocco and my man :)[/color]

[color=#8d46b8]TY in advance for a wonderful forum that I know I’ll spend hours perusing and jumping in. I’ve got a great sense of humor and will take correction in the manner intended.[/color]

welcome iadiedee, congrats :slight_smile: and hope we’ll be helpful with your darija learning :wink:

regarding the numbers

7 = ?
3 = ?
2 = ?
9 = ?

last but not least, see you aroooooooound :smiley:

[color=#9148b7]hehehe I’m very round, so :mdr::wink: I’ll be 'round. :^^:
shokran for the number clarification! It will help greatly.[/color]:okay:

[quote=LallaAïcha]welcome iadiedee, congrats :slight_smile: and hope we’ll be helpful with your darija learning :wink:

regarding the numbers

7 = ?
3 = ?
2 = ?
9 = ?

last but not least, see you aroooooooound :D[/quote]


[color=#8b5ba4]shokran mini :)[/color]