A question for girls: what do you think of guys wearing necklaces?

yikhhh a drop dead gorgeous hubby can stay far away from me, i dont wanna be running around chasing off other ladies :smiley:

haha id love one, to make all the girls bloody jealous haha :lol:

lol mini, i don’t know if you react like i do, but i dont wanna go to jail for murder ;D

no worries hun i just give em my famous look, they drop dead in horror and no one will know its me, simple :ok:

i don’t have any famous looks to give, so i’d just take out my famous weapon and kapowwww
… or just marry a not so good looking guy and be forever at peace :smiley:

yh its always the not so good lookin guys that r the best in the end sigh :roll:

why u sighing for? lollll
you’re gonna have a chronic headache after u marry a brad pitt, no joke. God be with you!

lol coz i have this thing for good lookin guys, my friends always tease me sayin that im never gonna get married coz i have specific taste in men and i tend to go for looks 1st then i like the character, which aint good :unsure:

lollll walla all i can say to you is GOOD FRIKKING LUCK :smiley: no hun you know its all naseeb so whatever is sent your way is gonna end up yours anyway, no point in saying i want this i want that, inchallah you’ll end up with what you wish for :slight_smile:

i know i know :^^: good luck to u too lalla and may the best couple win! haha jk hmmmmmmm i wonder who’s gonna get hooked up 1st?? cough aicha cough hmmm no idea :wink:

you of course, you’re arab :stuck_out_tongue: j/k i’m trying to postpone my marriage as much as i can, still need to overcome my fears lol

not just any arab so it looks like itll be u haha know what u mean we’ll just postpone it 2gtha eh? :hap:

anover question: what is the maximum age gap ull allow btw u and ur hubby?
me its 4-5 years and no higher lol

lol that question is a hard one for me.

haha… I don’t know even one man who deserves this from me :smiley: I’d rather leave him in peace :slight_smile:

I notice that handsome men never alone. They always have alot of girls around and can be every day with new ones…
Buuuuut beautiful girls almost always single…
Mostly they unlucky with men :unsure:

What do you think about this ?

About age… I don’t care really. For me more important that man must be smart. And it is not depend on age… Sometimes even 40 yo man more stupid than 25 yo guy :stuck_out_tongue:
Just I care a couple must look not like “daddy-daughter” or on the contrary “mom and her sonny” :smiley:

lol toutaaaa, i like the daddy-daughter and mummy-son comparison :stuck_out_tongue: its trueeee… but some ppl just don’t look their age… my friend is married with a guy who is a few years older than her, but when you see them together he looks like he’s her younger brother or something… not husband and wife :confused: he has a baby face lol

for me, i just say naseeeeeeb, as long as he’s not 30+ im ok :smiley:

lol aicha haha 30+ would kill me :huh:

tell me about itttttttt. i wouldn’t know if i should call him 3ammi or 7abibi :stuck_out_tongue:

or jeddi for goodness sake :hm:

waiiiiiiit a sec, rim-k is about 31 and he’s still husbandable :stuck_out_tongue: i take my word back lol

oh my goodness :blink: lol even celebs have an age limit 4 me to be “husbandable” lol

LOL at “husbandable” haha :smiley: