zin lmdi7a

hey guys sorry wkont ghayib chouia well anyways i was listenin to a song i reallllly like…and some phrases came up that i could actually kinda know the words i think they were saying enough to write them down but not the meanings…does any of this sound right, could you help me llah 7afidkom again i have no idea if these are the right words or not

zin lmdi7ak, - the goodness of ________,

a moulayna sarakhto ghariba 9ariba ya 3alimna rad (or maybe it could be y3lim ma rad??? bein 7arfin kaaf w noun-

our owner/the man, __________ who taught us the _________ between two letters kaaf w noun (but what does that mean please??)

ya robi rachi a (or its maybe rachia one word?? jadida sidi ma tdarrag 3lia makhzoumn

my lord spread?? new, dont ______ at me _________

*this one has nothing to do with the song and i just hear it all the time but i dont know what it means
itsara???-- walking, travelling???

totally lost here thank youuuu

…& u got me lost more than u, could u give a link to the song ?

hang on ill look-- i know its a song to the Prophet or a nachid or smthing like this if that helps…

i listened again and i edited it, but its just from my computer i cant find it anywhere online yet but im looking

Ok, it seems a lil bit clearer, i’ll try ti figure it out.

“Mdi7” means to praise someone & say good things about him.

  • Moulana (our master) is probably refering to Allah; & if it is…

  • then sarakhto (his scream) is absolutely refering to the sound of the great horn by the Angel Israfil i.e time for judgement day.

  • 9ariba = soon/close

  • “y3lim ma rad” it sounds like knows the future (if it’s ghad not rad).

  • between “kaf” & “noon”, these 2 letters compose the word “Kun” = be !
    it’s an absolute fact for muslims that if Allah (as he says in the Qur’an) wants sthn he says to it be! & it is, this is mentioned many times in reference to many events such as the birth of Jesus PBUH.

robi is sopposedly rabbi = my lord…no idea about the rest.

[quote=achminfar9]*this one has nothing to do with the song and i just hear it all the time but i dont know what it means
itsara???-- walking, travelling???[/quote]
yeah that’s it, have a trip, either home or across continents. or even just in your neighbourhood.

pb amazing response maaaad helpful…ok…lol…i found the song…i was really off and sorry for confusing the first time…i really want to get it all eventually…but its a lot of work…i know i could figure some out especially words but the meaning of the whole phrase usually escapes me…just for starters ill put the first few lines and then if someone says post the whole thing i will but i dont wanna be a bother

ps its a pretty famous song i think, by nass el ghiwane :wink:

[large]??? ???
?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???
??? ???
?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???[/large]

so mzine mdi7ek means saying good about someone or something like that? good speech or praises?

tajara- trade or business???

ma keifo??
not sure about this construction
ya rasoul llah i know obviously

then lmir?

shtaa- rain

lgliss kiteer- much sitting? a lot of sitting?

?? thank you anyone who wants to helpo thank you!!!

heres a link to the song on youtube…its a way weaker version than the one i have on my computer, recording, music everything…:frowning: but its slower and clearer to hear the words :slight_smile:


w tbarakllah3lekom

The song is not so clear, i had to look up the lyrics, this is what i could come up with…

  • Mzin mdi7ek…Praising you is beautiful

  • Ma kifo tjara ya rasul Allah…No trade is like it, O the messenger of Allah

  • Mzin mdi7ek…ya l mir f shta w l gss ktir…Praising you is beautiful, you “mir” in the winter when it’s so cold.

  • Mzin mdi7ek ya bu fatima…Praising you is beautiful, O father of Fatima

  • Khyr li mn mal dnya ya rasul Allah…Better (more useful) for me than the money of this life.

  • Khyr li mn mal dnya w ma thil 3lih…Better for me than the money of this life & whatever it “hil” about !

  • Khyr li mn mal dnya li dak w dak shyih…Better for me than the money of this life that this & that “shyih”

  • Ah w rjaya ghyr fik ya rbbi b nnbi telgini…And my hope is only in you my Lord to let me meet the Prophet.

  • Moolana sarkhto griba y3lm ma rad bin 7arf l kaf w noon…Our Lord’s power is close, he knows whatever he wants between the letter kaf & noon.
  • W yredd errashya jdida sidi ma tdarreg 3lih l mkhzoon…& he turns the fragile into new, my master nothing can be hidden from him.
  • W Allah ila bgha ynatta9 l koon l7jar ssamta tetkellemlih…Allah, if he wants to make the universe talk, the silence rocks will obey his orders
  • W Allah ila bgha yesda9 lkoon l 3abd fi samma yghnih…Allah if he wants the universe to talk with honesty, those servants who disobey are of no big deal

  • Wa dayni ya dayni washno ghtak ellayli…###### what is your night cover
  • Ya kheyyi ya kheyyi ashno ghtak ellayli…O my brother my brother, what is your night cover
  • 3id li khbar lbar7 ra 9lbi mjroo7…Tell me the story of yesterday, my heart is hurt (broken)
  • Lbar7 kenti sar7 w lyoom rak msroo7…Yesterday you were a shepard & today you’re a sheep
  • Sbrk 3la ddell kheyyi ma yzidek ghyr mdella…If you be patient for humility, it will only increase your humility
  • W ila sketti kheyyi 3la ddalm zad t3alla…And if you be silence against the opresser he will only show more opression
  • W ila knti 7orr kheyyi zwl had l3ella…And if you’re free my brother, put off this illness

i couldnt read everything
looks like chinese to me

tbark Allah 3la pb w sbar elli 3endak
ihafdaaak khouya

[quote=Za3ma]tbark Allah 3la pb w sbar elli 3endak
ihafdaaak khouya[/quote]
lah y7efdek :slight_smile:

when it comes to Ghiwan, it doesn’t require that much Sbar, i can bear listening to their wise music :ok:

alf choukar pb. oghnia wa3ira t3jibni bzaf bzaf…3raftha oghnia dinia wa lakin fhamt ri chouia…7eit daba t3jibniha ktar wana fahmt lm3ana. 7a99a, lkalimat fiha 3dad minhom dial l9oran lkarim wa lkitab lmo9adas dial lmose7in bljouj…pretty cool, really good parole

@za3ma: lol i like when ppl say it like ‘la7fdak’

here’s the full transcript of the song in arabic…

[large]??? ???
?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???
??? ???
?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? . . . ?? ?? ???
??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???
??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

with a few questions

does anyone have an idea on

can i assume in this line that the lack of a noon is a typo or does it have a diff. meaning?
??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

  • ???

  • ??? ???

  • ???

??? ???- how does this mean cold?

???- what does this literally mean?

thank you!!!

I didn’t read the whole bible, but i’m sure there’s no Qur’anic lines here :no:

[quote=achminfar9][large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large][/quote]
These 3 lines are not included in the song ! (the link u provided)

[quote=achminfar9]??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

  • ???

  • ??? ???

  • ???

??? ???- how does this mean cold?

???- what does this literally mean?[/quote]

  • I don’t think that’s a typo, u perhaps copied the lyrics from same page as me.

  • Lgess kteer: i believe “gess” comes from adjectif “gassi” i.e “9assi” = hard/tough (as reference to cold weather).

  • Mkhzoon = hidden (khzn/khbbi = to hide), makhzoon can also mean stock (emergency stock of oil for example)

  • mir: really no idea, but from the context it sounds like sth people use to get some heat (like maybe a bota sghira)

no idea about the rest…

ka ti3jibni darija dyal achmin
wa3ira bzzaf

u mean that u like me

i didnt mean direct quotations, but rather ideas and stories which are shared in both (so i guess kalimat was the wrong word choice)…there are several of them here, in varying degrees of applicability i.e.:

[002:074] Despite this, your hearts hardened like rocks, or even harder. For there are rocks from which rivers gush out. Others crack and release gentle streams, and other rocks cringe out of reverence for Allah. Allah is never unaware of anything you do.

[Luke 19:40] “I tell you,” He replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

[quote=Paperbird][quote=achminfar9][large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large][/quote]
These 3 lines are not included in the song ! (the link u provided)[/quote]
yea like i said, i have trouble finding good quality recordings of ghiwane on youtube…these lines are on the recording i have…

hmmm 9assi7 za3ma?..word good guess, i never wouldve gotten there

anyone else for any of this??

[large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

  • ???

  • ??? ???

  • ???[/large]

pb ya m3lim, ostad diali u are the best wish i could give u something better than this:

ka ti3jibni darija dyal achmin
wa3ira bzzaf
alach? 3aiza bteaseini leih? wach dirt akhta2?

u mean that u like me[/quote]
m3aloum yakhti :))))))

hmmm 9asi7 za3ma?..word good guess, i never wouldve gotten there[/quote]
not 9asi7, but 9asi, cuz 9asi is the original fos7a from wic comes gasi (3robia say G instead of 9 in some words)

[quote=achminfar9][large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large][/quote]
Can’t give exact translation , but the 3 lines refer to the suffering of 3 Palestinian cities: Yafa, Haifa & 3akka

[quote=achminfar9]pb ya m3lim, ostad diali u are the best wish i could give u something better than this:
what on earth is the bomb doing there :huh: :rofl:

wel…u can give me a good darija level & not cause people kosala like miss Za3ma to jjjjjjjj at you :fouet:

cool, didnt know that jathar before

[quote=Paperbird][quote=achminfar9][large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large][/quote]
Can’t give exact translation , but the 3 lines refer to the suffering of 3 Palestinian cities: Yafa, Haifa & 3akka[/quote]
cool aite THANK YOU @ least that gives me some context

[quote=Paperbird][quote=achminfar9]pb ya m3lim, ostad diali u are the best wish i could give u something better than this:
what on earth is the bomb doing there :huh: :rofl:[/quote]
come on bro…za3ma, ur the bomb…

willi lfouet bzaf 3lek ana lli tnkhadam 3la darija layl wnhar :slight_smile:

come on bro…za3ma, ur the bomb…[/quote]
EL EM AY OHHHHH, that was too funny!!

ur the bomb 2 lil 3icha

come on bro…za3ma, ur the bomb…[/quote]
m’kay, i’l take it then :smiley:

i dont laugh at him
i laugh with him
i encourage him
he remembers my laugh ======= he remembers his mitake

yak a achmin???

i know