Your Age? / Votre Age?

you can call me the snail, cos i’ve joined this game sooo late after everyone else hahaha :frowning:
Je suis une escargote :stuck_out_tongue:

me too am a snail :stuck_out_tongue: i joined so late

am 22

I’m 20 ! :smiley:

i’m 18 but i look younger :girlie::hah: :stuck_out_tongue:

im too humble n’est-ce pas? :^^:

mdr MPM. you’re too funny, that’s what you are haha :hap:

:stuck_out_tongue: well en realité im a loud mouth that CAN be humble at times :smiley:

and a man-stealer :hap:

I am older than I once was, but I’m younger than I’ll be; that’s not unusual.


Thank you Ms. Tukha. I can’t claim it as original, though.

am not :hm:

are too! :mad:

My guess is that he meant I already played.

Yes, guess so :).


15-25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You are 19 years old . . .

 or 240 months old
 or 1041 weeks old
 or 7290 days old
 or 174960 hours old
 or 10497636 minutes old
 or 629858167 seconds old

And, my next birthday is in:
14 days 5 hrs 24 mins 53 secs

i know im sad, but can u blame its my last few weeks of teenagism!!!

"I am older than I once was, but I’m younger than I’ll be; that’s not unusual.

“When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy in the company of strangers, in the quiet of the railway stations, running scared. Laying low, seeking out the poorer places where the ragged people go, searching for the spaces only they would know.”

Now, let’s see who will add the next lines to this very famous song by the name of “The Boxer”…

i’m still 20 :girlie:

Asking only workman’s wages
I come looking for a job :smiley:

But I get no offers; just a come-on from the xxxxxs on seventh avenue. I do declare; there were times when I was so lonely I took some comfort there…