you should already know that!/ sounds like

how do we say

‘you should have known that before’
‘he thought you already knew that’

my guess was something like

‘kan khss lik t3raf dak ch min 9abila’
‘39al ink 3ad 3raftiha’

???-- what is the best way we can approximate ‘already’…3ad seems more like ‘still’ to me

what about the expression

‘sounds like’

as in ‘this word sounds like banana but it starts with an h’

llah ir7am babak ya pb cuz i know it will be you in cha allah

:flag: :mdr:

‘you should have known that before’ = kan khassk t3raf mn 9bel

‘he thought you already knew that’ = kis7abek kenti 3arf

Already is often said as the french “Déja”, otherwise, you can still use “mn 9bel”, or “sh7al hadi” (times ago)

“Sounds like” = b7al, b7alli, b7al ki, b7al shi…etc.

If sth is not clear, just ask & i’ll try to explain :hap:

perfect choukrannnn