Words to translate

Hi I need some help with translating these words. I am a native moroccan but am born and living in europe and due to my parents’ negligence I am a receptive multilingual. On top of that I only understand Jeblian Darija (northern dialect). Can anyone help me with these words?:

  • psychology
  • silver
  • responsibility
  • skincare
  • trauma
  • ovaries
  • syndrome
  • teach/taught
  • groceries
  • anxiety, panic attack
  • cysts

Shokran bezzef!

  1. Psychology: النفسية (An-Nafsia)
  2. Silver: فضة (Fadda)
  3. Responsibility: المسؤولية (Al-Mas’uliya)
  4. Skincare: العناية بالبشرة (Al-'Inaya bAl-Bushra)
  5. Trauma: صدمة (sedma)
  6. Ovaries: المبايض (Al-Mabayid)
  7. Syndrome: متلازمة (motalazima)
  8. Teach/Taught: يعلم/علم (Ya’lam/A’lama)
  9. Groceries: مشروبات ومواد غذائية (Mashrubat wMawad Gida2iya)
  10. Anxiety, Panic Attack: قلق، هجوم الهلع (Qalq, Hujum Al-Hala)
  11. Cysts: كيسات (Kaysat)