Wonderful lyrics by "Muslim" the king of Moroccan rap

The lyric might look typical for the first while, but you have to listen to the song, to see how wonderful the style with which Muslim presents these great words.

here’s the song

& here are the lyrics in Darija, feel free to ask for translation if u didn’t understand anything.


bghit n9ol blli…mo7al wash ha tfham !
mohim, lli bghit n9ol how…belli doonya, mo7al wash fhamtini…
l mohim han ha n9ol…

Verse 1:

bghit n9ol belli doonya ghyr kedba
nti9o fiha wlla blash, 7yatna dayza b zerba
bghyt n9ol blli zman ydor y khoon 7it l wa9t mjnoon
bghyt n9ol blli l mdmoon blli l moot mdmoon

bghyt n9ol blli l wa9i3 mrr, ghyr blash tenfer
darori l khawa dyali twajah, sh7all hamm kber
bghyt n9ol blli doonya ghir jisr m3bor
bghyt n9ol blli shbr m3bor 3nd 7affar l 9bor

bghyt n9ol blli nas, mashi kif nas
nas ghyr t7lem, w nas 3ayshin 7lam nas
bghyt n9ol blli zhar, 3ando wjah w dhar
bghyt n9ol ghyr sbar l ay wa7d te9har

bghyt n9ol l3fo b had dmoo3 elli ysilo
mn 9albi wlla mn 3ayni, wlla mn had stylo
bghyt n9ol blli, ba3d ssa3at l madi ywelli
bghyt n9ol blli, kantmenna rabbi yghferli

Chorus x2:

Doonya ghyr ghosh w kdoob
9arbet tfna w ma bghat toob
yalli tay9 fiha rak m3tob
sbab ljra7 l ghar9a f l9loob

Verse 2:

bghyt n9ol blli drari d l7awma day3in
nbki 3la drari li da3o w 3la li 3ad tal3in
drari li darbin 3omri kaml ghyr f l 7abs w ba9yn mwantrin
drari li ghr9o w 7m9o, wla li f zna9i dal3in

bghyt n9ol hlektoona b droga w l herween
bghyt n9ol 3effoona yali rakom 3lyna zatmin
bo7dkom zatmin, doonya akbar mjnoona f l kawn
w 9alo khla9na mn tabi3a, rabbi y7sen l 3awn

7amdolah khla9na mselmin
mselmin mashi 7it khla9na mselmin
7it 7na mselmin

bghyt n9ol blli l maghreb, bladi w 3aysh fih ghryb
7yt kanshoof l 9orb b3id, w l bo3d 9rib
wash fhamti shni baghi n9ol ?
kont baghi n9ol blli, ana 3yit ma n9ool

Chorus x2

Verse 3:

bghyt n9ol blli dawla , sh3anda dawla
9alo blli hya dawla, w’ana baghi n3raf shnni dawla
ymkn ykono dawla floos’ha, 3liha kanshoof l 7ala m9rossa
bghyt n9ol blli bladi blad l khyr ghyr khsara mngoosa

bghyt n9ol blli l mskin, 3aysh mt7on t7in
balo ghyr m3a lkra w lma w ddaw w zit w ssokkar w t7in
bghyt n9ol blli drwish, 7raftlo kifash y3ish
bghyt n9ol blli sh7al mn sas saso ghyr 7shish

bghyt n9ol blli kyn nas 3andom klb mfeshesh
bghyt n9ol blli kyn nas majbret fin t3ashesh
bghyt n9ol blli l hmoom w l mashakil ka tmeshesh
bghyt n9ol blli fe9 ya lli rak m7ashesh

bghyt n9ol blli doonya hya sbab dawama
bghyt n9ol blli doonya akbar drama

Chorus x2


had shi lli bghyt n9ol, blli l7ayat akbar kdba

nkteb mlli 9albi y7ra9
mlli dmoo3 tsil, nkteb bash ma nghra9
hmoom nas wla hmoomi, makinshi far9

kan7es b 7zan nas

lol daba 3ad fhemt 3lach muslim 3mro yteferha :smiley:

u seem to be “yo yo 3shiri bla bla bla casa” team :ok:

show me another rapper equal to Muslim…

ofcourse there is no rapper equal to muslim … since he is the only retartded i know :smiley:
9echla gallek hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mataymregch

we’re talkin about Muslim now, leave 9ashla alone…

show me another rapper equal to Muslim, & be for real, because i can show you more “retarded” rappers…

i bet you would like Muslim if tells stupid tales & hadra khawya like bigg& casa 9rood

well its hard to find u an rapper better than him … coz u can always say that i dont like him or he is not good … this is normal , since c ton gout :slight_smile:

but i can show u how muslim is retarded and he is so far from callin him an artist

girls dont watch this :s its harmful for ur ears :stuck_out_tongue:


huh ! I watched this video 2 years ago, & it was a response to Bigg l 7alloof…& he exposed him big time…

& yeah, Muslim is an artist with every meaning the word has. i still don’t see why u think he’s not. perhaps because rap for you is “yo yo 3shiri”…

dude i didnt say bigg teferha … ta howa video li 3ayer fih muslim c loin detre un artiste
anyway , if u like him that much i’ll just shut my mouth :slight_smile: and respect u

btw is he still singing ? since he said im not a rapper anymore in this video ( as if he was a rapper before lol)

yeah, he’s still doing albums…i knew he can’t just stop that way…

but duuude, seriously, at the time when rap was rising, he & his crew were the only ones not loking for wealth & fame, with the evidence that at a time when bigg & cas crew were well known, Muslim was still not much known though starting his career before & having more titles…his words are all meaningful, addressed certain matter in the society, rather than just saying whatever just to fill the blank on the beat…

i don’t think u have listened to much of his work

i dont know why r u just talkin about 9echla and mafia C … yes its true 9echla mabaghiyin flouss mn rap ( wakha mabghatch tfehmli had l9adia b7ala homa 7sen mn 2pac :s ) w mafia C ljil jdid lli deghya tech’her w dekhel l3a9a ( w biensur dekhelha 3la dra3o parceke rak 3arf lmeghrib maghadich ychrilk album ghir hakak wla ydkhel l sehra dialk , ta tkon testahl )
lbigg kima gotlik ana ma3ndich m3ah sara7a walakin mankerch chi morsowat kherejhom cava 3lihom …
ila jina nhdro 3la les rapper lli bdaw lwala , wa nhdro 3la aminoffice ( oficielemen le premier rapper au maroc ) w malo ta hwa manadch yghewet f telfaza w ygol ana awal album d rap f meghrib kherejto ana w hado kaaaaamlin li jaw mn moraya ghir ne9ala w 3yanine <=== thats bullshit
ana kan3rf 7aja we7da kherejli mzika wa3ra lyrics zwinine ana m3ak amma yfoutek train w tb9a t3ayer f nass lokhrine parceke daro voiture zwina hada smeyto l7sed .

sara7a kimma golti ana masme3tch l muslim bezzaf … peut etre les rares foi lli sme3to te7t f morsowat 3yanine ( pa de chance) walakine sara7a apres had mochkil dial bigg-9echla … mab9it 7aml nsme3lihom bjouj . 3ta llah les rappers fl meghrib w bnadm n9i f 39lou .

I like some of Muslim’s tracks but his voice is a bit too rough and it makes a big difference when i’m trying to make out the words he’s saying, i don’t understand much… there’s a diff between what i understand from Ahmed Soultan and what i understand from Muslim :stuck_out_tongue:


Ahmed who… !!!

goodbye life… :sw2:

hhhhhhhh, come ONNNNN you hate the guy for no valid reason… don’t kill yourself, its 7aram

I do not hate him, i detest him

:okay: ahmed sultan ( atleast he is the only moroccan who sings in english )

u forgot about Safaa & Tempsdress !!! they sing in English french & darija :ok:

sultan is not the only English guy :na:

:stuck_out_tongue: the first one :^^:

mmm ah, hhhmm maybe :unsure: but still…i prefer Safaa & Tempsdress, though i’m not much into Tempsdress :roll: i found Safaa better thah Sultan (i mean in Singing :wistle: )

Safaa plays Guitar, what does Sultan play :na:

hahahaha u know that typical moroccan answer 3la sou2al dialk ? 7chemt ngolha hna w safi wuahahaha

i’m listening :th: