Which is best compliment

Hi, I am just beginning to learn some Arabic and Darija.

I know the meaning of both zwina and titiz, but I was wondering, can someone please tell me which out of the two is the best compliment?

Many thanks


9ortassa , 9anboula :rofl: , zwina is the most used in darija, those two “9ortassa” , “9anboula” used by the youth how follow the girls near the high school :rofl:
i’m not one of them, i’m grow up to do that :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl: :joy:


“titiza” is sort of flirting, anyway, it’s not you say to just anyone.
Zwina is pretty casual and doesn’t mean all too much.

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Itouub :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: thank you so much

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Itouub / choukran :raised_hands:

I only ask because a Moroccan rapper called me Titiza to his friend on a live stream. Then on another live stream mentioned another girl being zwina :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
This is good to know :smirk::grin: so thank you very much :blush:

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hi i can teach you in my instagram: diib_rap