id give em a good talkin too and tell them wth i think of them lol :fouet:
WWYDI: you were forced to stay in a tank full of gigantic spiders? :blink:
id give em a good talkin too and tell them wth i think of them lol :fouet:
WWYDI: you were forced to stay in a tank full of gigantic spiders? :blink:
i would diiiiiiiiiiiiiie, really
WWYDI you ate a whole chocolate bar, and then the person that gave it to you told you that her dog had licked it before?
:blink: :blink: :blink: pretend i didn’t hear them…
WWYDI the day realy became 25 hours ? :yuck:
i wouldn’t do anything
WWYD if you see a massuve dog biting a man in the park?
id grab it to upload it in youtube
WWYDI were in the street between the egyptian and algerian supporters while they were fighting ???
i would run to the alg’s and ask if they need help
WWYD if you found your neighbour in your house, without permission?
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he would clean the house without leaving he would also re-paint the walls while im watchin my favourite match
WWYDI ur mom invited ur enemy … the girl u hate the most in the world ???
omg i luv u gurl ur soooooooo funny haha lol
id completely ignore her and then ask my mum why in gods name did she ever invite her?!!
WWYDI: you see a group of idiotic lads stalkin a girl?
i’d throw something at them, to distract them and then start a punch on
WWYD if YOU were being stalked in the street and theres noone around?
wallah i dont know i think id die of a heart attack
WWYDI: u smashed ur dads new phone by accident?
i’d buy him the same one
WWYD if you fell down stairs & everyone was looking at you?
id scream for the earth to swallow me whole :blink:
WWYDI: u c a girl in front of u wearing heals that she can barely walk in and falls over in front of u?
i’d help her and then tease her for dressing up like she’s on a catwalk
WWYD if you saw some guys breaking into a car at night, and you’re alone in the street?
id hide behind some cars and when im sure he cant see me ill make a run for it :S
WWYDI: u wrote a completely wrong answer for a question u misread in an exam?
I’d try to write a new answer, if I still have time; if not, then hard luck, I’d just go hang myself. Lol.
What would you do if you realized your parents weren’t really your biological parents?