what this sentence mean, please?

someone wrote to me this sentence in darija ( ana kantsanak 3ala nar.) and i’m afraid of the meaning, c’est-a-dire, maybe that’s bad language. i really need to buy an arabic dictionary soon. shukran bzzaf.

Relax ! it’s not bad :slight_smile:

It means: “i’m waiting for you on fire”

but, “fire” doesnt mean “hell”? is it really good this sentence?

No it doesn’t mean “hell” in this case, the expression is originally egyptien, “3ala nar” (on fire) has the meaning just like the meaning it can has in English…
Like when you’re looking forward for sth, like the results of an exam or sth, you say : i’m waiting the results on fire…

that’s it.

Hello there everybody. I can’t comment on Egyptian usage, but I can definitively tell you that I have never heard a native English speaker state that they were awaiting test results “on fire”; we would say that we were “on pins and needles”, for the most part… of course, I haven’t spoken with every native English speaker. We might say that we were “on fire” if we were very angry or passionate about a certain incident… just a thought.

Those are replaced with “fire” in nearly all dialects of the Arab world.

I always hear Americans sayin it, especially in “romantic” (supposedly romantic) speeches…
Maybe i cinfused the meaning of it, but in Darija its related to “waiting”.

Hmmmmmm… you always hear Americans saying it? Not about exam results, in my experience.

thanks for your help my friends. shukran!!!

la darija? mafhemtsh?
shiwya darija afek. <3 walakin…La, hadi darija forum, la?
darija, safi…( that’s what we are here for, non?)
la angalis, francais…
Darija…safi… la?..wela
smah liya…walakin…
Inchallla…wahed yoom…
salam kulchi…ou kulchi tkelllum darija…Inchallla…
hadi darija website mazyayn bzaf, wela
lalla malika

smah liya… third sentence should read, ( in my post above)" ana tkelllum shiya darija wlakin afek"

makainsh mushkela…ou hed shily kain…
oh la…hed shily kain…:slight_smile:
lalla malika…

[quote=lallamalika]shiwya darija afek. <3 walakin…La, hadi darija forum, la?
darija, safi…( that’s what we are here for, non?)
la angalis, francais…[/quote]
:slight_smile: you can ask about anything you want to know the translation of it in, u can ask in English or French, & we translate for you :^^: