What is your current favorite song?

Course i’d like it, link pleaaaaase :smiley: thanks!!

btw i never heard of those you stated above, i’ll search 'em up nchallah, i listen mainly to H-Kayne (ach kayne? - what’s up) , Fnaire (THA BEST), and some others that right now have disappeared from my memory, i have an excuse though, im fasting :hap:

Here it is: http://rapmaroc.org
Take a look at the home page to check news and new tracks.
You’ll find a clickable button “music” where you can search for any artist alphabetically.

And if anyone is willing to write to me the lyrics for some moroccan songs, I’m ready to write back the lyrics of Ahmed Mekky’s songs :wink: … (jk)

Thanks so much Gretchen, i already discovered another group on that website that i totally LOVE now!! i have a few links of sites with music players aswell, but this one is much better than the others… chukran bzaf :okay: :hap:

la chukr 3ala wajib :slight_smile:
Glad you liked them. Gorgeous, aren’t they?

Jessy Matador - Decalé Gwada :smiley: love this song :okay: even though i don’t understand a thing he’s saying haha xD


YUSSSSS :smiley: totally!

TAFOUKT, what a song was that!!! ahahah too funny to watch the whole thing xD ya Alllaaah. and i don’t think that was even french or any language i’ve heard of

Hahahaha no the song is so good, when i walk around in school, im like ‘décalé gwada décalé gwada zou zou’ :stuck_out_tongue:

my current favourite song xD new song everyday :stuck_out_tongue: The Game Ft. Akon - Gansgsta Party


WOAH you too gangstaaaahhhh xD

Hadik 3ziza 3liya bzaf :ok: Hope that made sense! Melancoliiiiiie


oh and Tafoukt i listened to that song u posted above me … it was :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: the things he was saying were too R-rated, i hope its no longer your favourite song… i HOPE ya benty! :smiley:

I really liked this nasheed toooooo, so peacefulll :hap:


:smiley: :smiley: hahaha no it’s not any longer :stuck_out_tongue:


i like the beat of this one

PHEW! :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg i was on the train today and these gangster kids were playing “Sexy bitch” on their phone, it was sooo loud… I couldn’t even concentrate on the book i was reading… :roll: how annoying when people can’t keep their music to themself :S

nice beat above ^ :okay: just need to ignore the lyrics… staghfrullah :smiley:



[quote=LallaAïcha]PHEW! :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg i was on the train today and these gangster kids were playing “Sexy bitch” on their phone, it was sooo loud… I couldn’t even concentrate on the book i was reading… :roll: how annoying when people can’t keep their music to themself :S

nice beat above ^ :okay: just need to ignore the lyrics… staghfrullah :D[/quote]

I think it’s so embarrassing when people walk around in the city playing loud music on their phone or in the bus etc and think they’re sooo cool :mdr:


this was my favorite song a couple months ago :okay: :slight_smile:

By the way i love that song with Rim-K & Cheba Maria :hap:

That’s a niiiiiice one Tafoukt!! I like Idir’s voice and most of his songs are amazing, there’s one that I was obsessed with for a while, still when i listen to it i get goosebumps:

It’s with Sniper and el RIMKAAAA <3

pour la famille, pour la vie


I like that song that you posted ;), i’ve only heard a couple of Idir’s songs and i like a few of them :slight_smile:

I like this one the most =>


It has such a joyful melody and when i hear this song i get happy ;p

nawww me tooo :smiley: I like how he sings in berber, amazing :wink:

You too :smiley: yes it’s amazing xD

Soul For Real - Candy Rain


People, you have to listen “A vava inova” from IDIR. And try to find the translation, there is somewhere in french… ¡Great!

My current most listened songs: Souad Massi - Khalouni ; Lluís Llach - El jorn dels miserables; Souad Massi - Raoui; Kyuss - Deamon cleaner

And always, always forever and ever: Nass el-Ghiwan - Essinya.

t3aaaali <3
