What did I do wrong ??? de link doesn’t work
The youtube link shouln’t have the nl. part.
Oooh thanks SimplyMoroccan, I have to watch this because that part shows in every video I watch on Youtube :hap:
That’s because you use the Dutch version of the website. Whenever you want to post videos, just erase the nl., the rest of the url remains correct.
I found the Song “Judai” on you tube so i posted it here… :hap:
The song has been in the top ten for several weeks in India/Pakistan
Hmm favorite one . . .
Well I listen to alot of K-Pop and stuff . . .
I enjoy Big Bang, the song I’m currently “addicted” to from Big Bang is “Babo/Fool”
Also, Wonder Girls - So Hot and I can’t wait for Lee Hyori’s new album Yeah~
Beside K-Pop well . . . Raiss Tijani - Tijani ( Don’t know if it’s the real song title , nways )
And Rai’nb fever /Samira Ben Said/Khaled . . . I enjoy Rai
The main “Music genre” I listen to are => K-Pop and Rai/Amazigh/Moroccan Music . . . tho I MAINLY listen to K-Pop haha xD
Rim-K ft Reda Taliani - Partir Loin
about the MAGHREB :hap:
and my ALL-TIME favourite is probably abdel kader [and some others]
i’m listening to some Mezoued,but onestly i can’t understand difference with Chaabi and moroccan music(but the language…:mdr: )
i like Ghadi Ngoulek nd Shal Tebghini
sarahzina said one of hers was “shal tebghini”; i know what tebghini means, but what does shal mean? thanks anyone!
i thought so sh7al tebghini then would be “how much do you like me?” cool thanks :hap:
you’re welcome
i <3 reda taliani!
yal babour ya mon amour, kharejni min la misere dance hahaha :hap:
oh btw my above comment isn’t as random as it looks LOL (just realised how silly it looks out here hahaha), i made it because MAROCRULZ’s youtube link was a taliani track
Never heard arab version of titanic b4!
You’re welcome! And I think it’s also usefull to learn a bit arabic cause it’s close to the english version.