What is your current favorite song?

ahhhhh i see :smiley: you’re welcome hun, im just speaking whats on my mind.

regarding movies, there’s a verrrrry famous one called Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu, its a series, and the most famous in turkey right now, its called wadi addiab on arab tv… anyway, there’s a bad but pretty actor there whose name is the same as yours, and I really like her image, she’s really petite and pretty. And i think, actors reallllly influence people & the names they give to their kids… its so true walla

and ohhh bless your grandma… you know my mum always tells us how her great great grandfather comes from bilad sham :slight_smile:

yeah, that movie in particular, the actor in fact is so pretty and the character who has that name was depicted as so kind and not arrogant like the rest of her family, and fell in love with the poor guy…dont wanna bother u, lol

yeah, ppl are influenced with characters both in fact with fictional arts and real life :slight_smile:

yeah i see what you mean :slight_smile: a typical story of a movie…

well personally when i watch a movie and if i reallllly like a character, its name leaves an image in my mind, and you begin to like the name because of the actor…

LOOOL I love what he says after 3:14, especially at about 3: 24


WHo else thinks the chick looks indian?

[quote=LallaAïcha]yeah i see what you mean :slight_smile: a typical story of a movie…

well personally when i watch a movie and if i reallllly like a character, its name leaves an image in my mind, and you begin to like the name because of the actor…[/quote]
yeah so right, and i get influenced by real and fictional.
U know, we called some of our cats after some characters in movies :wink:

some hits from the 80’s :slight_smile: “Birds of paradise”, wonderful song…


relatively new msri hiphop song, I like it…


he;'s cool this ahmed mekky dude, i saw his pic in an afro before somewhere else but didn’t know it was him

what’s with the NY necklace though? lol

Gigi … i heart this song :stuck_out_tongue:
kabbir el G w saghar el D wuahahahahaha i like this guy

wow didn’t know M-sta had a heart

hahhahahahhhahhahaha i robot ?

lla, u heartless

:frowning: 3lach ?

juste klk fois

awah :open_mouth:
btw kat3rfi dik oghnia dial : ana 3ndi 9leyb wa7ed w bghit ana nhdiiiiiiiiid … ???

hadi loghnia dial shkoon?

say : had loghnia dialmn ?

dial dawdi , hya che3bia … so famous in morocco ( sara7a i hate che3bi , but i liked it )

ahhh thanks for correcting me, haven’t heard of that song though…

I don’t know whether the songs i listen to are classified as chaabi or not, but the way they express their love is hilarious -the bits i understand-

this is the song i was talkin about … its another singer , but it is the same version
i’ll try to give u the lyrics … it is really an interestin song


I was waiting for the music to kick in, finally after a minute lol
It’s not a bad song, perfect for studying with in the background… goes for 8 minsss :open_mouth:

Moroccans are just like Turks when making videos, they put all the pictures they have in their pc… what has an american model got to do with a chaabi song? Loll

thanks for sharing