@ Gretchen, its a nice beat and it sounds like it would be a good ringtone, the part just before he sings in arabic… but yeah, there’s always places and people where ringtones like this aren’t very suitable i mean, this one’s not bad, i had La Fouine’s MOi Hamdullah Ca va as my ringtone and people looked at me like i was from another planet, some ringtones can be scary
btw are you a fan of Tamer Hosny???
@ Tafoukt, siiiiiiiis sa7aa once again for those 2 albums, i enjoyed listening to like every single song in both today… was great :okay: & i really like salah eddins album, its superb.
and about the vid you posted, did you watch it before posting :blink: :blink: tut tut tut
no a call tone is sth else, ppl who are calling you hear it, if i was sure that only my friends gonna call me i woldn’t hesitate
My current ringtone is “ba7eb achofak” I lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyk it so much, once I was putting 1 for amr diab called “d7ket” and there were a part where they added a loud laugh, and 1 called me infront of parents!!! l7amdulellah I tried to answer b4 that laugh was heard…
i like some or many of his songs but not a fan so much.
the video you posted I’ll see it l8r, but i’m sure I won’t hear my name…
LOOOOL Gretchen, i get what u mean now!!! i remember in turkey everyone had this, even my aunty’s daughter who’s married with children had this really pimpy turkish song playing when we called her xD aaaah i get it now well yeah, i think you should be careful just incase
@ Tafoukt, siiiiiiiis sa7aa once again for those 2 albums, i enjoyed listening to like every single song in both today… was great okay & i really like salah eddins album, its superb.
and about the vid you posted, did you watch it before posting blink blink tut tut tut
I knew you would like the raï’n b compilation no worries you’re always welcome
And yes i did watch the vid it but it wasn’t bad or was it ?:unsure: it was only a couple of seconds xD
[quote=LallaAïcha]Girrrrls, see if your name is in this video.
I heard miiiine lol xD it’s a funny and nice song
from Salaheddin’s Horr album…
ooh gretch, you also have a unique name then mine is just like khadija, fatima… very common… in fact, in my family (cousins etc) we have about 6 or 7 aichas…
yeah it’s unique universally, but egyptian-ally NO, we were about 5 or 6 at college at the same year, and in my family alone there are 3 (excluding me)
Tafoukt, its a nice name no doubt and old fashion? i only know one samira here -and she’s lebanese-
about the vid, ma3liiich… just be more careful next time ;p look for the vid of the song without the clip… or whatever, as u please.
Gretchen, you’re making me die from curiosity siiiiiis
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh I get it!! starts with I yak?? i have a family friend with that name, and i love her so much… so i have a good impression of you too
hehehe its a beautiful name though nevertheless, sounds so elegant as well… but what i don’t understand is, you’re saying this name was common in your class… how and why? are people naming their daughters this recently or is it since the Ottoman ruling?
elegant, wow. merci merci beaucoup sucre :o)
well, there’s a very famous political movie and there were a very rich family where there was a very sweet and kind girl has that name, thereafter the name became associated with high class, that’s y it’s many
anyway my grandma was half turkish and i was named after her