What did you just eat?

@ Marylin:
Yes, it’s m3dnôs. Ba2dônis is in the middle east.

@ MarocRulz:
You will also have to tell us what are mana2esh, we can’t bear reading names and not know what they are about :D.

– I just had orange juice.

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]@ Marylin:
Yes, it’s m3dnôs. Ba2dônis is in the middle east.

@ MarocRulz:
You will also have to tell us what are mana2esh, we can’t bear reading names and not know what they are about :D.[/quote]

I love mana2eesh too !
especially bza3tar! :^^:

I just ate ice cream

I just had chocolate chip cookies and milk :^^:

mmmm que rico se ve eso delicioso :okay:

I had chicken soup today

barbecued Shawarma and hummus !!!
:ok: :ok:

a thaï recipe: fritter of fish, vegetables and spices…
And after, delicious cookies with cinnamon, dark chocolate and almonds with ice-cream (banana and caramel)… :hap:

Miam miam @ all of you lol
Elise, you seem to be a cinnamon fan, huh?

I had something with cinnamon too :p. I had sffa.

wôw, it looks very good… Where can I find the recipe please?

W ah, ana kanmôt 3la qrfa!
ou bien
Ana 3zîz 3lih qrfa (?)
(I’m mad about cinnamon).

I fact I’m mad about a lot of spices. I love the food very flavoured! :ok:

[quote]Ana 3zîz 3lih qrfa (?)
(I’m mad about cinnamon).[/quote]
Ana 3zîz 3liyya qrfa >>>>> I’m mad about cinnamon.

3zîz 3lih qrfa >>>>>>>>> he’s mad about cinnamon


Qrfa f merqa ta3 djaj…:stuck_out_tongue: miam!

I just ate a tuna sandwich .

May you explain to me what is a “tuna” sandwich please, I don’t know what is it.
Thanks :slight_smile:

hi tuna is a type of fish like sardeen for example :wink:

i like it with mayonaise, vinegar, lemon, and pepper :smiley:

I will post a seffa recipe inshallah :). Please do remind me if I forget, wakha?

Hiba, did it look like this?

It looks so yummy, so I checked the recipe here. I never tried it.

Mslkhir Hiba, thanks for your explanations.
humm the ingredients seem to have a good taste! I must try that! :slight_smile:
(I’m very greedy! :^^: )

Some days ago, I ate a hamburger with “camembert” (cheese), steak, ginger, cream, lamb’s lettuce and curcuma, it was surprising but really excellent !)

Thank you very much for the recipe SimplyMoroccan! I’ll try it as soon as possible. It really seems to be very good!
And also thanks for the future seffa recipe

you’re welcome elise_m :smiley:

WOW i would explode if ate that :lol:

It sure looks HUGE :D.
The recipe said it had apple slices, I wouldn’t try that. But how does tuna taste when you add pepper to it? I’d be happy with just tuna and mayonnaise.

I don’t add a lot of pepper…
I add something else actually but I didn’t mention it because I can’t find the word :lol: it’s flefleh khadra