What did you just eat?

You cook Moroccan food?

– Pizza.

I just ate sandwichet falafel :lol:

Wow, I didn’t know that you had it in Jordan too! It seems that it’s only Morocco that doesn’t have falafel! Not fair!
Feel free to post recipes from Jordan, photos of Jordan. Be the ambassador of Jordan on SpeakMoroccan :).

– I didn’t eat anything yet since I had the pizza.

There’s no falafel in Morocco ?!
It’s extremely famous here in Jordan maybe #2 after “mansaf” if u heard about it :smiley:


Never heard of Mansaf, I only know falafel. :slight_smile:

What is “mansaf” ???

It’s a Jordanian dish, it looked like couscous to me, but it’s made with rice. Looks yummy!

NB: Welcome to the forum :). Please feel free to introduce yourself in the new members section.

so its paella, insn’t it ?

Thanks - I will introduce myself as soon as possible

I don’t think so. Otherwise it would be just called… Paella!
They don’t even look the same (a paella and Mansaf). Well, vaguely maybe. We should compare the ingredients to see, but I doubt it.

Hi Onc’Kamel!! :slight_smile:

Thanks SimplyMoroccan for explaining mansaf! :smiley:

Yes it is made of rice, jameed (dry yoghurt), bread and meat (or chicken).
on top we put louz, ba2doonis, snobar. the bread is under the rice. :okay:

I think Paella is much different. :wink:

And yes we do have something very very very close to the Moroccan couscous! :^^:
It’s called Maftool or Maftoul and guess what my parents visited my Aunt today and had it for lunch!!

Thanks for the explanations Hiba. But how come you eat rice with bread? Or is the bread for the meat?
And dry yogurt? How’s that?
And mafoul is made also of semolina, right? No rice?

Thx to you all for explainations :slight_smile:

what are ouz, ba2doonis & snobar ?

( guess that wil be a long, long, long topic ! )

[quote=Onc’Kamel]Thx to you all for explainations :slight_smile:

what are ouz, ba2doonis & snobar ?

( guess that wil be a long, long, long topic ! )[/quote]
I guess that someone wasn’t really honest when claiming that their English was rusty :wistle:

Snobar = Pine
Ba2doonis = Parsley
Louz = Almonds

Let the topic be long, what is it here for?

Hiba, you’ll have to invite us to maftoul, mansaf and falafel now! :unsure:

waw, Hiba, mansaf looks delicious! Could you explain me how to make it?

Firstly thank you Marilyn, Onc’Kamel, and of course SimplyMoroccan for your interest.
I’m not a really good chef but here’s what I know:

1)It’s very thin bread we call it khobez shrak ??? ??? I don’t know exactly why we put it :hm: but it’s the traditional way :slight_smile: people usually eat it after the rice. but this is the only dish where both bread and rice are put together.

2)jameed is dried yoghurt when you buy it, it looks like a rock or powder but we don’t eat it when it’s like that of course :smiley:
we smash it into small pieces and boil it with water. you can also use normal yoghurt instead but again this is the traditional way :smiley:

3)Yes true, there’s no rice in Maftoul there’s semolina, flour, hommous and onions, there are other things too inshallah I’ll bring the recipes and post them in a seperate topic so we can compare it with couscous!! :^^:

4)Yes louz ba2doonis and snobar are exactly what SimplyMoroccan described (Thank you!) :^^:

5)Thank you Marilyn Inshallah I’ll bring the recipes for both of them and post them. :okay:

6)You’re all invited to Jordan ahla w sahla that would be great bakhdemkom be3yooni!! :ok:

Didn’t say “rusty”, said : not good enough …

nuance :slight_smile:

I love that expression, very friendly :). Thanks Hiba.
We’ll be expecting all the recipes, and reports from Marylin after trying them :^^:.

[quote=Onc’Kamel]Didn’t say “rusty”, said : not good enough …

nuance :)[/quote]
True, you got me on this one!

The moment I get the recipe, I’ll try it and let you all know!

Simplymorrocan: I thougt parsely in darija was m3ednus ?

mansafffffffffffffff!!! i looooove it!!!

I just had mana2eeshh :smiley: