wa7ad matal kigololiya lwalid

hope theres no cusses in it other then the 1 i saw and took out…i get the basic idea but i think there is some good vocab in here that i do not understand. the context is talking 2 one of my bros about work and future and etc…thank you very much.

3adi wakigolik wa7ed matal ki9ololiya lwalid
– no problem, here’s one example that my father always tells me

jma3 ----hom oumats3ahom z3ma rajal fin ma7titih khaso yakhdam wakhtkon weld king

ewa allah yashal 3alina makrahnch nrado liwalidine ghir chaouiya mandakchi lidaro lina bach kabrona

jma3hom oumats3ahom = collect/save them (money), but don’t ask for them, i.e u’d better save up than beg.
z3ma rajal fin ma7titih khaso yakhdam wakhtkon weld king = the man must work even if he’s a son of a king.

ewa allah yashal 3alina = may Allah ease things for us
makrahnch nrado liwalidine ghir chaouiya mandakchi lidaro lina bach kabrona = we so want to pay our parents back just a part of what they did for us to grow us up.

amin…so true

thank you PB