this is a video i found in youtube , its a speakmoroccan video
i have just a few remarks about it
the first color ‘’ beige ‘’ isnt pronouced well , for those who speak french , just pronounce it like the french way … im not offendin this guy in the video , but ur biiiiijj sounds bad
after he said about purple = banafsaji which is fus7a , in darija its 9ou9i
lol then he said “fdi” to silver , ive never used this one lol , that seems retarded lol , if someone tells me fdi i will say duuuuuuuuuuuuuude r u d hell actin in a mexican serie looolll
generally ppl use ‘’ metalisé " for silver
Tirkwa hhhhhh good one , it is actually tUrkwa with a french U
for dark and light u can use also meghmou9 and meftou7
[color=#F30B30]USERS BEWARE:[/color] The post above contains harmful fragments of the casa accent.
Madridista, it’s probably just a regional thing, everyone has their own accent… thanks for the extra info but not everyone is a biiiiiiij straight outta casa
hahahahaha yeah i can tell by hearin his accent that he is from dukkala , 3abda or sth like that
duuude i cant stop laughin about his tIrkwa hhhhhhhhhhh
hahaha what’s so wrong about tirkwa? maybe YOUR way of saying it is the weird one!!! anyway for me anything that has a lot of rrrr’s and a lot of 99999’s is fiiiine darija lol
hhehehhe nooooo lalla
the “turkoi” is a french word , and not always we need to change some vocals in a french word to adapt it to darija :d
im gonna tell u sth ,if someone on TV say ‘‘tIrkwa’’ as he said it this guy ,its gonna be to make ppl laugh
be sure of that looolll
Thank you for your feedback, Madridista. I think that it’s necessary to clear up a number of things.
1- The man in the video did a wonderful job. He is not even a member of the forum, and he was extremely nice to just stand up and volunteer for the first audio. You can notice that no one else did as good. So first and foremost, all we can tell the man is a big thank you, and anything related to the content is on us.
2- For beige, I was told that indeed it’s mostly said baaj, and not beej. I say it as beej, and so do all shopkeepers in my area. They also say blanc cassé for all degrees of beige.
3- Banafsaji is indeed fos7a, but it’s more common than qouqi.
4- Métalisé might be used when you’re talking about cars, I’d never tell a shopkeeper “get me a shirt… métalisé”. Too French. I prefer a fos7a word than a French one.
5- When speaking in Darija, old Moroccan people do not say the French U, they either turn it into ou or i. Tirkwa is perfectly fine to me.
Anyways, my point is that most of the colors you commented on seem perfectly well said to me. As LA said, it’s mostly a matter of regions and accents. I mentioned in the video description where the man is from, for people to compare accents.
That said, all remarks are most welcome, and it’s always interesting to hear from Moroccans from different regions of Morocco.
first of all , i must say too that d guy did a wonderful job , this is why i commented only few colors
the others were goooooood
well admin , i can accept from u the beej , the metalisé thing and also the U for old ppl
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut banafsaji is more common than 9ou9i :yuck: come ooooooooonnn duuude
anyway , what im gonna do now is sendin this video to a few darija natives and ask them about their remarks … if they say d same thing as i did i will be happy coz i wont go to a psychiatrist , coz i notice that im d only one here to be ok with those remarks
[quote=Madridista]first of all , i must say too that d guy did a wonderful job , this is why i commented only few colors
the others were goooooood
well admin , i can accept from u the beej , the metalisé thing and also the U for old ppl
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut banafsaji is more common than 9ou9i :yuck: come ooooooooonnn duuude
anyway , what im gonna do now is sendin this video to a few darija natives and ask them about their remarks … if they say d same thing as i did i will be happy coz i wont go to a psychiatrist , coz i notice that im d only one here to be ok with those remarks
thnx Admin[/quote]
After giving banafsaji a second thought, I may say that mauve is way more popular than qouqi.
Feel free to share with us the feedback you get from other native speakers. They are even more than welcome to do their own version of the audio, or even better, volunteer for other videos. By the way, we do provide the content and the video, volunteers only have to record the audio.
PS: I will not go to a “psychiatrist” though just because your friends will say the same thing about qouqi.
Today in class I learnt banafsaji, and it sounds way better than 9ou9i and mauve… in fact when i try to say 9ou9i in the best possible way, I shower all the objects around me.
It’s ok as a personal attitude, but it’s not good to learners. When I first arrived to Morocco I didn’t speak darija. I was able to understand only a few words: the french and spanish origine words that exists in darija. As long as I was learning I found a big problem speaking with natives: they try to high their language level when they notice that you are foreigner. Because of the prestige of the arabic: people who have studied, they speak arabic fus7a. People who didn’t go to school, no. So they try to look like more cult picking up arabic words where they usually say french or spansh words. But that they get is that I understand nothing.
When I speak with analphabet people is perfect because they don’t try to impress anybody: pure darija, coming stright from their mothers. And I can assure you darija in use is crowded of spanish and french origin words. Are they worse than arabic words? No, but people seems nowadays prefeer these, so they are constructing a new darija.
darija has no limits , we dont have la real academia to control it ; u can just invent a word give it a meaning and repeat it infront of ur friends (make sure it sounds good) after like 2 months , if ur in tangier u’ll find it in agadir … and i tried it with my friends it was so funny
so i was talkin about limits in darija , yeah the definition of darija is a dialect mixed between arabic , tamazight , french and spanish ( few english words exists too) … so if ur tryin to use fus7a more than french , its good thats ur personal choice and i respect it
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut as the catalan said we must be natural , we must speak a pur darija
so when i talked about banafsaji , i was right , ive never heard someone sayin it in d daily life … and if someone tells me banafsaji , i’ll say ‘’ duuuuuuuuuuuude get the hell out from that mexican serie "