very short arabic poems

are welcome in this thread :smiley:

i wanna read some

shoukran katheeeeer in advance

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  • Kollo l’7awaditi mabdaaha mina 'nnadari wa mo3damo 'nnari min mostasghari 'sharari
  • Kam nadratan balaghat fi 9albi saa7ibihaa ka mablaghi 'ssahmi bayna l’9awsi wa l’watari
  • Wa l’3abdu maa daama da tarafin ya9libuho fi a3yoni l’3ayni maw9oofon 3ala l’khatari
  • Yasorro mo9latahu bi maa darra mohjatahu laa mar7aba bi sororin 3ada bi 'ddarari


  • All incidents starts from a sight…& most fires start from a little spark
  • many sights reached in the one who sees…what an arrow reaches between the bow & the string
  • & as long as the servant (of Allah) has control over his sight…in his eyes, he’s risking to a danger.
  • he satisfy his sight with what hurts his ???..a satisfaction that hurts is not welcome

ps: i didn’t give an exact English translation.
The 4 lines talks about “GHADD AL BASSAR”, the fact that you shouldn’t look at Haram stuff, specificly the oposit gender.

wooooooooooo thanks wellahi, i’ll read it in more detail some time today inshallah… coz now i’m just perusing the forum, will get back to this for sure

i promised to read over it again, and i just did… it’s nice and not just any random poem, this one has substance!
shukran katheeeeeer ya Pee Bee, again :slight_smile:

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Tafash7a9a l’fish7a9u fee 7ashfi l’7ifaa *** biribaati kahli l’fosto9iyyi l’bo3boli
Wa l’hayhathoobi l’hayhaloobi tahajja3at *** kahabri9a3i l’3an9alooti 'thonfoli
Azajjo thaloolun athrufiyun zafaazifo *** wazafun yaziffu nnajeeta ssorfoli

  • They say it was 7abasha Arabic, & it was a praising to the prophet PBUH, & Bilal (the black Mu’athin from 7abasha) explained it to him…
  • I also found others who said , this was a medical recipe from some wise man !!! <— & this was weired to me.
  • Some also say this was written by the same writer of “sawtu safeeri l’bolboli” which is Al Assma3y (it’s in another thread here)

I find it more 7abashi (mmm like i know how 7abashi sounds)

shukran jazilan ya fousto9 something something

“mmm like i know how 7abashi sounds” <----- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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A ikhwaananaa wa l’mawtu 9ad 7aala doonanaa *** wa li l’mawti 7okmun naafidun fee l’khalaa’i9i
saba9tukum li l’mawti wa l’3omro tayyatun *** wa’3lam anna l’kolla laa bodda laa7i9i
bi 3ayshikom aw bi’ttijaa3ikom fi’thara *** alam taku fi safwin mina l’3ayshi rraa’i9i
fa man marra bi falyamsi bi mutara77iman *** wa laa yaku mansiyan wafaa’a al asaadi9i


O brothers, & death has seperated us *** & death has an obvious controle (an effective sentence) on creatures
I preceded you to death & life is a fold *** & you should know that everybody will surely follow me (sooner or later)
With your lives or my laying in the dust (tomb) *** weren’t you having a life of peace & tranquility
So whoever passes by me let them ask mercy for me *** & don’t forget the fidelity to the (close) good friends

Note: Arabic poems sometimes can be hard to properly translate, just like Qur’an.
Poet: Ibn a’zza99aa9 of Andalusia.

9ewlzzzz, 9eep zem 9oming wara9aaa :okay: :okay: