I’m scared that it’s dirty or crude… but I can’t seem to find anything online to explain what it means.
I’m asking because I saw it on the facebook status of one of my friends (who is english, but studies with moroccans…)… one of the moroccans she speaks to often is quite fowl mouthed… and I wouldn’t be suprised if he told this girl a rude message to put on her facebook without her knowing how bad it was, just to embarrass her.
Then agan, ti may not be rude… I really don’t know. :S
Once agan everyone, I’m so sorry. I just found out what it does indeed mean, and I can’t begin to explain how sorry I am. Sorry for the offence, everyone.
Not surprising. I was actually going to tell you to expect Mad asking about the censored sentence. Up to you guys to exchange that knowledge in private. Mad, just don’t feel generous enough to share it with the rest of the world in public.