AlSO I hear this word a lot =darchy
Thank you in advance
silly : mekelakh,
stupid : metarnen ,
crazy : 7ema9 , fou
lazy : kasole
useless : makatesela7 newalo ; masal7 newalo
impolite : 9elile adab , selgote, machi me2deb
AlSO I hear this word a lot =darchy ::: ???
i hope that i could give u the proper translation
thank you very much:okay:
Salaam Alaikum. Dear me, there is a little “typo” that I want you to pay attention to which is “stuped”. It is written with the vowel “i”, not “e”. So, it should look like this “stupid”
Welcome to the forum, Zakeras.
I think “stuped” was just a typo. Just like your “dear me” is one :).
Metarnen is a brand new word to me. Is it a casaoui slang?
You mean lwalou in both cases? Or is newalo a different word?
Maybe she meant “dakchi” = that thing.