
Salaam 3alaikum

I hope all is well with everyone and i want to thank you so much for all the help!

My mother-in-law is visiting for a while could you please help me with the following:

Do you need anything from the grocery store/ pharmacy?
Are you tired?
Would like to rest?
Would you like to go home?
Would like to go for a walk/ or anywhere special?


Wa 3alaykom ssalam, long time no see :).

Do you need anything from the grocery store/ pharmacy? = M7tâja shî 7âja mn lmarché / lfrmâsyân?
A funny way to localize your sentence is to call the grocery l7ânôt, like we do in Morocco, but they sure are not exactly the same.

Are you tired? = 3iyyâna?
Would like to rest? = Bghîti trtâ7î?
Would you like to go home? = Bghîtî tmshî lddâr?
Would like to go for a walk/ or anywhere special? = Bghîtî tkhorjî ttmsh-shây? / tmshî lshî blâsâ mo7addada?

Are you comfortable with the 3 and 7 pronunciations? I hope you are, and that you can easily read the above sentences.

Can you translate:
??? ???

??? ???


7râm 3lik! —> it is an expression used to express indignation…but you should wait for SM’s explanations…:unsure:

nta fîn? --> where are you?

w fînk? —> and where are you?

I translated what I understood…:unsure:

i agree with the above translation :huh:

2 marks for you kounouz :wink:

:okay: thanx

I confirm :).
Wa fink is to insist asking someone where they are.

Please translate
??? ??? ??? ???..??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???


[quote=seljv]Please translate
??? ??? ??? ???..??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???

Hello seljv.
You don’t have to post the same message twice :).
Your sentences are written in MSA, and not Darija by the way.

You’ll remember me when you’ll frequent someone else, but I swear you’ll miss being with me for the eternity.
Not everyone you love, loves you back, and you don’t get everything your heart wishes for.

I am not sure about the second part of the first sentence, there is a kind of nuance like if the other will actually regret being with the person, rather than miss that.
I hope it helps anyways.