
please translate in english:

zin kidayra? rani tsannit ton appel o mazal kantsannaha rani twa7achtk alkhayba nsma3 sotk en+ tes nouvelles alors n’hésité pas bach tasli biya le jours d repos dyalk urgent bisou et merci de me répondre"

thanks so much

I’ll give it a stab:

hey beautiful how are you? i waited for your call and still im waiting for it, im missing you, ugly*, i listen to your voice and your news, so don’t hesitate coz… urgent, kiss and thanks for responding to me.

bach tasli biya le jours de repos —> i don’t know what bach tasli biya refers to, but le jours de repos is day of rest i think.

  • here ugly is used jokingly

[quote=LallaAïcha]I’ll give it a stab:

hey beautiful how are you? i waited for your call and still im waiting for it, im missing you, ugly*,[u] i listen/u to your voice and your news, so don’t hesitate [u]coz…/u urgent, kiss and thanks for responding to me.

bach tasli biya le jours de repos —> i don’t know what bach tasli biya refers to, but le jours de repos is day of rest i think.[/quote]
(1) - listening (i miss listening to…)
(2) - don’t hesitate to call me on your rest day

please translate in english:

mo aktr mny

walllla mra farhaaan any shoftek

mo 3afr esh agool bs mra mbsooot


wallahi yeganin


nada we Laila

That’s not Moroccan accent, it’s arab bay & egypt accents.

mo aktr mny = not more than me

walllla mra farhaaan any shoftek = i swear i’m so happy to see you

mo 3afr esh agool bs mra mbsooot = i don’t know what to say but i’m so glad


wallahi yeganin = it’s amazing

sowrtik = i filmed/photographed you

nada we Laila = Nada and Laila

mo aktar mny

the mo tells me it’s saudi, or khaliji, do any other accents say mo instead of mashi or mish ??

Mo is said in almost all the middle east & arabia, exept egypt. & sometimes said as Ma.

so: translation in english please :

rabi ye7fathik ya 3omri , kunti zwaina zay il 9amar yoam il 7ad . wa7shani

My lord protects you, you’re my life, you were as beautiful as a moon on sunday, i miss you