translation please

can i please have an English tranlsation of the following - sir l3alam kamal jamais tal9a chi had hnin 3lik ktar men lamima maskina…yarabi ykhalik lili
Thank you

go anywhere in the whole world, you’ll never find someone hninner than you, more than the poor lamima…god save you for me
Thank you

the two most important words i couldnt translate; i know what hnin means i think but i dont know the best word to translate it to in english

lamima i should know but i dont

that gives you a basic idea though, basically its someone talking to a guy, giving a compliment

god save you for me seems awkward 2 say in english but its a common thing to say, not weird or anything just means allah keep you safe in my interest or i care about you and want you with me so allah keep you safe

wait for a native speaker of darija they can answer better

Thank u for ur help :slight_smile:

[quote=pkj001]can i please have an English tranlsation of the following - sir l3alam kamal jamais tal9a chi had hnin 3lik ktar men lamima maskina…yarabi ykhalik lili
Thank you[/quote]
Go through the whole world, you’ll never find someone else as loving as your own poor mother, may God protect you (her) for me.

@Ach, Lamima i.e l’mmeyma = the mother

wauuu…im “retarded” to quote mad…sure ana dert mosiba lchi wa7id min taza sma7 lna nass taza lollllllll

choukran pb…ya i guess i just didnt recognize it in that spelling :confused:

u still did a good job man