[quote=norhayuza]you’re so naughty
what a beautiful place
you’re so kind
you’re naughty
i miss you & how to reply in darija
be careful
enjoy your meal
take care
see you next time
wait for me
are you crazy?
i’m hungry/full
leave me alone
you’re too much![/quote]
[color=#00FEF9]you’re so naugyht[/color] = we often don’t directly say you’re naughty, but when someone does & naughty act, we say “ma kate7shemsh/ma kat7eshmish” (aren’t you ashamed) & its mostly said as a joke, we can also call a naughty person as “3afrit” (jinn) or “maskhot” (bad boy), these doesn’t litterally mean naughty, but they can refer to it.
[color=#02FCF7]what a beautiful place[/color] = blassa sh7al zwina !
[color=#00F9FF]you’re so kind[/color] = nta ltéf / nti ltéfa, this is rarely said, we usually reply to a kind act with expressions like “shokran” (thanks) “rabbi ykhallik” “llah y7afdek” (God bless you)…etc
[color=#05E5F9]you’re naughty[/color] = i think its the same !
[color=#01FDF8]i miss you & how to reply in darija[/color] = “twa7ashtek”, & you can simply reply with “ta ana” (me too) or “ta ana twa7ashtek” ( i miss you too)
[color=#02EDFC]be careful[/color] = “3andak” - “redd el bal” (careful) / “7di rassek” (watch yourself)
[color=#03FBFB]enjoy your meal[/color] = we simply say “b’ssa77a”, that’s “bon appitier” in french.
[color=#01F3FD]take care[/color] = T’halla, & its a short form for “t’halla fi rassek” (take care of yourself)
[color=#03F1FB]see you next time[/color] = “nshoofook” (see ya) - “netla9aw” (we’ll meet later)
[color=#01FDFD]wait for me[/color] = “tsennani” (tsenna = wait + ni = referance to me) - we say “3ayenni” too, & its the same.
[color=#01FDFD]are you crazy?[/color] = wash nta 7ma9/msatté ?
[color=#01FDFD]i’m hungry/full[/color] = not sure what u mean by full, but hungry is “fiya jjo3” or "jani jjoo3)
[color=#00FEFE]leave me alone[/color] = “khallini 3lyk” - “9leb 3liya” - “tfare9 menni”
[color=#04FAF0]you’re too much![/color] = “katterti” - “3ayye9ti” (if what i understood is right)
Yes we use it, & it means or its used as “shame on you”
well…litterally speaking, “za3ma” in both darija & fos7a means “saying” or “saying that…” or “it was said that…”
For the use in Darija, its used too much in the talk to have a close meanin to “like” in English talk (i guess especially for American accent)
Simple example :
that team do a lot of trainings, like they wanna win !
that team do a lot of trainings, “za3ma” the wanna win (dik el far9a ka trini bzzaf, za3ma baghin yreb7o)
That’s what i could give, i hope its clear enough