translation please

[center]allah ykhalikom brit tarjama hadi

[color=#e9152e]so the next thing by clodia[/color]

[color=#e9152e]we need her[/color]

[color=#e9152e]she’s expensive for a girl[/color]

[color=#e9152e]and she’s picky[/color]

[color=#e9152e]but that’s what’s good about her[/color]

[color=#e9152e]that special sense[/color]

w mbrok 3washrkom
shokran likom bzzaf[/center]

Wash bddarija nit? Ola lfos7a?

britha fos7a 3afak

Shi jomal 3ndk b7al ila ma kamlinsh. Kima kangoul lik dima, 7sn t3ti ljomla kamla kima hiyya, w hadik ssa3a tgouli liyya ghir ashmn joz2 m7taja mathalan. Safi? Tfahmna?

so the next thing by clodia = [large]??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???[/large]
Shfti, ljomla jat fshkl.

we need her = [large]??? ???[/large]

she’s expensive for a girl --> Ma jatsh ngoulo [large]??? ??? ???[/large], 7it lwa7d ghadi y3taqd wash kanhdro 3la lm7bba. Walkin hna z3ma lbnt kabtghi takhod ghir lghali, shi 7aja b7al hakka.

and she’s picky = [large]??? ??? ???[/large]
Wa fl7aqiqa, hadi ghadi tji mtrjma 7sn bddarija: [large]??? ???[/large]

but that’s what’s good about her = [large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

that special sense = [large]??? ??? ???[/large]

3washrk mbrouka 7tta ntiyya. Iwa ma tghbrish 3lina :).

??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? :slight_smile:

[large]??? ? ??? ???.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]