translation needed

I have alot of text that I need translated if someone would be willing to give me their email???

u can always post them here … :wink:

If someone could please translate this block of text. Cheers!

ch3altek wla ba9i
lwa faynak
chkon fihom ntina
ana ikram makt3rafnichi azayn
rabi3 3awdli 3alik bzaf 3ando 3aziz bzaf
ana kan3arfo mjewej
wash ntina men assfi

ch3altek wla ba9i = (…) or not yet

lwa faynak = so where r u ?
chkon fihom ntina = ur which one of them
ana ikram makt3rafnichi azayn = im Ikram , u dont know me beauty
rabi3 3awdli 3alik bzaf 3ando 3aziz bzaf = Rabie told me about u , ur so close to him
ana kan3arfo mjewej = i know he is married
wash ntina men assfi = r u fron Safi ( aka Asfi )

Thanks for taking the time to translate my messages!
You are very kind!

Hit 3awedli 3lik belkir

ra kidhak 3lik al hob howa mjewej
3amal cam
Can you please translate to english please!

“Do cam” literally, but it means Open your camera… webcam i suppose :roll:

Hit 3awedli 3lik belkir

ra kidhak 3lik al hob howa mjewej

These too please in English

So how would you say (male speaking ) I am married.

Hit 3awedli 3lik belkir = coz he only told me good things about u

ra kidhak 3lik al hob howa mjewej = he is kidding u , he is married

im married = ana mjewej

walah maknkdab azyn
r iwa malk t9il
y lae mshi ntina howa rabi3 z**** ou kedab
r machi malk mati9chi awla a***
y hahaha
y arabi3 ana hawad feshhar 7
y nchallah
r 7laf
y nshallah
y chenni bghiti akha.
y akhay?
r m3aya 3aylat joj
r jibli 7wayj dayali
r ok
y hadok kaynin a amigo
r 3andk tnsa
y chenni akhor
r jibli kado d yal mra
y darori
y hiya lowla akhay
y chenni bghat njibla|?
r ana daba 9sar akhay w 3andi colchi
r hdak chi 3la daw9k

Another bit of translating just to keep you in practice :wink: could you please translate line for line to English and indicate the gender male to male or female/male speaking… thank you!

Keep us in practice or keep the intelligence service officer updated with her spying :wink:

Ok i see some writing from manner-less chamali peeps. tut tut tut

walah maknkdab azyn = i swear to God i’m not lying hun
r iwa malk t9il = ?
y lae mshi ntina howa rabi3 z****ou kedab = ?
r machi malk mati9chi awla ***i = no what’s wrong with you, you don’t trust, *****
y hahaha = hahahha
y arabi3 ana hawad feshhar 7 = ?
y nchallah = God willing
r 7laf = ?
y nshallah = God willing
y chenni bghiti akha. = what do you want bro
y akhay? = bro?
r m3aya 3aylat joj = two girls are with me
r jibli 7wayj dayali = get me my clothes
r ok = okay
y hadok kaynin a amigo = those are here my friend
r 3andk tnsa = ?
y chenni akhor = what else
r jibli kado d yal mra = get me a present for women
y darori = urgent/important
y hiya lowla akhay = that’s the first, bro
y chenni bghat njibla|? = what does she want me to get?
r ana daba 9sar akhay w 3andi colchi = i’m shorter now bro and i have everything (shorter ie. short in cash i guess)
r hdak chi 3la daw9k = that’s according to your taste (ie. your liking)

You are clever and funny too! I appreciate your help… it’s not over yet! And, this is helping me learn too!

why thank you!

yeah i’m not native couldn’t translate the whole thing… but i can give u the gist… i think. :unsure:

and you’re welcome. :wink:

r iwa malk t9il = why re u slow?
y lae mshi ntina howa rabi3 zou kedab = no u ren´t rabi3 z** and u re a liar
y arabi3 ana hawad feshhar 7 = rabi3, i’ll go down in July
r 7laf = swear
r 3andk tnsa = dont forget
y darori = i think it means " sure "

Khidni Ma3ak

wht means Khidni Ma3ak ? pls.

khidni ma3ak : can u take me back to u ??
