rica ederim LA
sir sir ach 3nd mok madir … written down to my NB
rica ederim LA
sir sir ach 3nd mok madir … written down to my NB
how am i being racist hein? u want a translation, 3tini 100 drahem and i’ll think about it
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 100 dhs lolll even my niece of 5 years ask for more than 100 derhem
ok gimme ur paypal ill send u 100
dude i didn’t want to deprive you of your wealth, i gave a price la ghla 3la mskin, see how considerate i am
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ur funny
ill give u 50 then
sorry but the most expensive service i offer is turkish to english translations, 50 dh won’t pay off my expenses even, maybe turkismuslimah will be kind enough to help u makfahoumch fil zadohoum fila :^^:
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i c that ur block note is still alive
what’s a block note?
ur dirty notebook
iwaaaaa dima 3icha
whether u like it or not
when it becomes 50 pages or more, im going to print & publish it “The perfect Darija guide by a wanabbiyya, Included: inappopriate expressions and heaps of swear words; exactly what you need on your trip to Morocco” Author: 3icha qendicha ttorkiyya… the title will take up the whole cover so i need an A3 cover khkhkh
don’t worry i;ll put my autograph on one copy and send it to you too, what was your address again? ra9m 29 chari3 nar, jahannam??
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ur crazy
but dont forget that i helped u so u gotta pay me when it becomes a best seller
PS- i moved so i dont have that address ill send u the new one
looohoool…pay you??? malk f jannah??? sorry i remembered that i don’t argue with you anymore so i’ll leave it at that.
and where did turkismuslimah disappear to??? i think she saw my turkish post & use of language and decided to never come here again
nerdesin giiiiii
loll true we dont argue anymore
but what was it that i said about peace for a long time :hap:
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well we can argue somewhere else
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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good one
lol your new avatar is better than the others, and not dirty for once.
well since there is a normal lalla … it might be a not dirty avatar
bs bs bs me being normal is more likely than you being clean