Translation Help

ssalamu 'lekum

My friend has texted these two words and I cannot find them in my Morrocan Arabic dictionary
They have come through as Ma 'raftachi and kha batru - not sure if the spelling is correct


Can you post the whole text message?

It came in two texts - the first came as Khabatru and the second came as Ma3raftachi

ma3raftshi : i dont know

khabartu: i told him

Confirmed for the first.

Khabartu as MarocRulz said, makes sense. But in Morocco, we don’t use this vocabulary.

Can you advise if there is a moroccan word katir or is it katdir


there is ktir which means a lot

and kat dir which means doing (male)
Kat diri (female)


As usual, if you want the most accurate answer, you should give the most precise context.