Translate this please!

Can someone please help me translate this

-nta machi rajel

  • ana mchit dar
  • mais 3qel a zbi ela hadi dak nhar fach konti tayer rah makhelitkch walakin nta rah mazal fik f3ayel
  • sbah ela khir
  • o mat3awedch a zbi dwi meaya mn lyoma
  • berhoch a zbi ollah
  • ser thawa

-nta machi rajel = in context that mean that what u did is not manly or ur not a man

  • ana mchit dar = i went home
  • mais 3qel a zbi ela hadi dak nhar fach konti tayer rah makhelitkch walakin nta rah mazal fik f3ayel = remember what u did dickhead for that day ur were high or drunk i didn’t leave u but u still do shitty stuff
  • sbah ela khir = good night / sbah el khir = good morning the a make a difference
  • o mat3awedch a zbi dwi meaya mn lyoma = don’t talk to me anymore
  • berhoch a zbi ollah = ur childish dickhead i swear xd
  • ser thawa = go fuck yourself
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