Translate phrases to moroccan please.

Hi guys,

I would like to know how to say these phrases in Moroccan please (darja?)
Its the gifts that i bought. and i would like to be able to describe the gifts in details:)
Thanking you lots in advance:)

“This is a really good cloth. It will last up to 10 years. its reusable. You can use it for anything you like. Like in kitchen or wash floors”

“These are solar lights. They change colours too. You can put them in your garden.”

And also this last one:

“Today, it’s been 2 years since we got married”

Thank you again for you time.

“This is a really good cloth. It will last up to 10 years. its reusable. You can use it for anything you like. Like in kitchen or wash floors”

had llebsa meziana bezzaf. ghadi tsber lik kter men 10 (3sher) snin. imken lik tkhedmiha finma 3jbek, fel kouzina wella tsya9.

“These are solar lights. They change colours too. You can put them in your garden.”
hado dowwayat kaytbeddel fihom lwan. imken lik tdirihom f jjerda dialk

And also this last one:

“Today, it’s been 2 years since we got married”
lyouma kemlat 3amayn bach tzewwejna

next time try to tell us to whom the speech is addressed weither to a man or female. in this translation I used the feminine form cuz I guess you’re talking to your mother in law or sis in law (?!)