
weird thing: my title says now: mmalin ddar…what does that even mean

dumb thing: i will never make that darn top 10 poster list :roll::roll:

sad thing: afein mchat za3mati? :cry::cry:

dude you got 500 posts, you’re getting there wellah… try posting a bit more in the fun zone and you’ll wake up to 1000 posts in a few days

and about ze3ma, we need to send out a search team for her… she disappeared or what :frowning:

you’re not a guest / tourist any more, mool (plural: mmalin) ddar is one who owns the house.

yeah where is za3ma :s twe7echtha :frowning:

you’re not a guest / tourist any more, mool (plural: mmalin) ddar is one who owns the house.[/quote]
crazy i guess i never knew the jma3 of moul…i thought it was a mitake or something and it was supposed 2 be m3alim ddar… :blink::blink: