
@Lalla, just noticed your current title ! it’s so inspiring & creative :lol:
can you think of someone like it for me plz :stuck_out_tongue:

haaaaaaaaa i knew i’d inspire someone with it :smiley: …and if you want something just as creative you can be: ,
nice eh?

looooooool :lol:

i was also intrigued ya know i love the way it just stands out and so in ur face, definitely captures ur presence, im sure some artist out there is kicking himself for not coming up with the idea :wink:
how about goin a step further and combining the 2 papers?: ., now isnt that just beautiful?! :roll:



is that a butterfly PB ??? shall i make that your title? hhhh

you were being sarcastic the whole time innit? =/

@ Papers: thats actually quite pretty hehe
@ LA: naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 3icha! lol wats so beautiful about a dot?? haha bless ya and ur dot hehe :wink:

a dot is a concluder, it can mean a lot of things :wink:

PB im still waiting for ur response, u want the butterfly or what?

no…first that’s not a butterfly, i just made a kharbi9a zarbi9a… :lol:
no title in my mind right now… i’ll tell u whenever there’s one :^^:

no problem

could be this
?? ?? ??
? ??

oh no, I am too bored :open_mouth:

?? ?? ?_? ??? can’t read it !

a mixture of outrage with a look of dumbness and being lost

it looks like owl eyes

it looks freaky :blink:

yeh, the comma looked better as a title

freaky is good, freaky I like :stuck_out_tongue:

however, your title LA, is not understandable to me. I’ll figure out though hang on there

tell me what you understand from it, and i’ll tell you the rest :wink:

is taskerjit turkish?

not at all, its the feminine of askejri, does that ring a bell?
i got it from the tachl7it thread a while back

How long can a title be ? i mean can it be a phrase containing 25 letters ?

" **** ** ** **** ********* **** "

forget it.