
wellaaaahhh? :stuck_out_tongue: do you want me to change your title?


Of course!

voiiiiila :smiley: enjoy!

ooooops !! it’s like she was reading my mind :blink: i was thinking of changing my title to “tamer bouta” :smiley:

lool we can have tamer bouta version 2.0 if you want :stuck_out_tongue:

nope, i like “Mmalin ddar” for the mean time :ok:

Sorry, PB, but I got there first. (Psst, didn’t even ask the copyright owner, but don’t tell her).
I read it as Tamégh Bouta loling and rocking!
Thanks 3wicha, lmoderator dialna :wink:

hhhhh that copyright owner can jump off a bridge, don’t worry about her :stuck_out_tongue:

l3afw, most welcome!

u know, “tamer bouta” is a good idea for an egyptian movie, likely starring 7asan 7osni & maybe A7mad 7ilmi

I don’t even know Egyptian actors by their real names :stuck_out_tongue:
Googled them now

hhhhhhhhh mebrouk a doudi 
 gajiti m3ana :stuck_out_tongue:

forget 7asan 7osni and a7med hilmi, i reckon the “creators” and the “benefiters” of the name should star in it cough cough you got me folks! :smiley:

oh u mean me?! oh jeez thanks 3icha
haha :wink:

iz you a benefiter tooooo? :smiley: I should get commission from everyone that’s a benefiter

mabrouk for the title Dodi :slight_smile:
so curious to know what it stands for, but I know u’ll never tell :stuck_out_tongue:

cough maybe
but i wouldnt have spelt like that you know hahaha :wink:

I have a feeling that mini does not know the Tamer Bouta story.

Gretchen, why wouldn’t I? Inna ba3da adhani ithm :p. The Tamer Bouta story.

lol i do! haha its when 3icha spelt taa marbou6a as tamer bouta LOOOOL haha

aaaah okay you know everything
 well that was just my way to tell you that no way you be part of the benefitors hhhhhh me, ach, and PB were there first :smiley:
jocking jocking

I read your spelling as taa martouba aahhhhhhhhh that’s even worse

Fine i want be part of the benefitors :cry: lol hahaha :wink:

i did not right taa marTouba!!! i wrote taa marbou6a lol how’d u spell it then??