something for my grandmother

Hi everyone, I promised my grandmother in December, that I would write to her again. I have explained to her that as I cannot speak or write Arabic properly at the moment and I am still learning, someone very kindly translated a message from English to Darija (that would be Khalil) for me, for which she was very grateful. I promised that I would write again, and it is March already and I haven’t got round to it, I feel very guilty believe me. :unsure: I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to translate another message for me? A personal message is always nice to receive.

Here is what I would like to say (the wording can be changed a little, if needed for a translation)

Dear Mwie (or grandmother) How are you? How is your health? I hope that you are well. I was very happy, as always to see you in december. I hope that all of the family in Morocco are well. I will speak to you soon on the telephone at your house to check that you have received this message. I am so happy to have a grandmother like you, you are so kind and gentle. I like to see you laugh and smile - it makes me very happy. I still keep the ring that you gave me when I was a baby. I hope that next time you come to England, I will see you. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Lots of love from Myriam.

Thank you so much in advance for your help

Hello Myriam,

After searching in Google, i found you post in the forum, so this is the translation for your message.

Please say hello to your Grandmother.

Take Care

Signé : BICHRI Khalil

Salam khouya Khalil choukran bzef allah ibark fik. I will say hello to my grandmother from you, she will be so happy to receive the message I will send it to her tomorrow in the post. Thank you so much for your kindness, it’s so nice of you to go to the trouble of translating something for me again. barak allah fik w allah ye 'tik es-se77a

Myriam :cool:

Not at all myriam.

i’m Glad because your happy

Thanks for your help, Khalil.