Hello again. (ssalam… )
Merci pour vos reponses… je pense je dois parler francais a pratiquer un peu…
Je comprends les phrases simple…mais je peut lire francais mieux que je parle…
D’accord, je veux lui visiter au Maroc pour deux mois a voir ton culture et faire connaisance ta famille. Pardon si mon francais n’est pas bon…je fais des fautes parfois.
En anglais: We have spoken online only… we speak on skype every day for at least 4 hours and usually more like 6 to seven on weekends…never met IRL…I am cautious and not frivolous in my thoughts and actions. I appreciate the counsel here so far, and I assure you-my head is not in the clouds. I am one who considers every angle of something. If not , why would I be here and posting my situation with my willingness to learn?
What can I ask....I want to know will the culture, society that is accept me or will I always be perceived as an outsider- watched suspiciously for being with one of theirs. I know racism and discrimination from living in America so I am no fool to expect that I will be welcomed and accepted as a native born Marrocaine.
I also want to ask, what indications will there be from a man who desires marriage only for ulterior motives? Aside from his wanting to live here in America…can anyone speak on this???
And concerning who pays for what, I plan on paying for my tickets there, he says I do not need to worry about money when I get there. I told him I will bring my own money with me that I don’t expect his family to support me and he got mad. He said that we will live with his family and since I will be his wife it is no problem for him to take care of us. I ofcourse do not know the customs there. How is it he is offended that I would suggest to support myself while visiting but he does not offer to pay for my tickets toget there? I am willing to pay for myself, it just seems odd that he be so adamant about me not needing money there but its ok for me to pay my way there.
An arabic man I also knew online said that is the way, he will not assume any responsibility for me if I am here but once I get there he will assume all of it. Any comments about the veracity of this custom or the situation in general? Again, many thanks.
I have read such horrible posts on other websites from women who claim that Moroccan men are silver tongued deceivers and I know there must be some truth to some ladies’ stories I’ve read elsewhere-however that exists everywhere in America so no difference there. Admonishments on avoiding internet relations with Moroccan men are rampant on some sites I’ve seen. For those of you who are american women with similar situations here, could you share some of your counsel, experience and wisdom with me? I welcome all comments ofcourse but I will likely relate best to those in similar experiences. Don’t we all learn best from those who have been there before? So that’s it for now on the questions, I hope I may discuss much with the ladies here and also thank you to the creators of this site for having the care to make a place for ladies like myself. Merci Beaucoup