some interjections and onomatopoeic words...please?

hello everyone :slight_smile:

Many many questions follow, please forgive me…

i need some help in creating a list for words like “hi”, “oh”, “phew”, “bzzz”, “meow” and so on :slight_smile:
Other stuff I found on wikipedia
And also this, but the animal sounds are listed as “Arabic- Algeria”, but I guess those are pretty much the same everywhere or am I wrong?

Also, are there any words for:
amusement (such as "haha, wow" - besides the all pervading lol = ???), fear, anger, disgust, surprise (like sebkhan lllah!) …

Or any fillers besides wla, (by God) yani (meaning). For all I know, the most widely used interjection, filler or whatever you may call it is Inshallah, right?

Stuff I found in my Moroccan Arabic textbook:
dif llah - that should request hospitality, but can anyone give me an example as a two-sentence dialogue or smth…

similar thread is this one: where Paperbird has listed some of the expressions with “Allah” in them, if i may quote:

[quote=Paperbird]Llah ykhlef :
litterally means “may god give you something in exchange” (in exchange of what you gave me).
this expression is often used when someone do you a favour or provide you with sth (money/food).

  • when you’re a guest in somebody’s house, & they offer you food & stuff…when you’re going back out, you say “llah ykhlef” to express that you’re gratefull. mostly said as “llah ykhlef 3lyk/kom” (no difference in the meaning).
  • sometimes when you buy sth, the shopkeeper say to you “llah ykhlef” as referance to your spent money.

Llah ykhallik :
littereally means “may god keep you (alive/for us)” or “may god protect you”.
It’s used either to ask sth politely from someone, or rarely to thank him after he does sth for you.
Ex: what time is it “llah ykhalik”? can i have a lighter “llah ykhallik” ?

  • When they say that you can ask them anytime if you need sth, or they wellcome you to come to their house…& similar cases, you can reply with “llah ykhalik”.
  • “llah ykhallik” can be replaced with “llah y7afdek”, & it has the same meaning & the same case of use.

Note: in such expressions, “llah” can be replaced by “rabbi” (my god), & that doesn’t change anything.

Similar expressions:

  • llah ysahhel (god make things easy)
  • llah ywaffe9 (god make you succeed in sth)
  • llah yshafi (god heal you)
  • llah meskhek (god curse you)
  • …etc

Note: you can add “k” in the end if you’re addressing someone, & you can still change “llah” with “rabbi”[/quote]
Yeah… that’s pretty much all, I think :slight_smile:

Hi there ultramarine, just some corrections it isn’t ‘wla’ it’s wellah/wallah/wlla (by God/i swear to God)
secondly, it isn’t sbkhan Allah but rather “sob7anallah” where 7 is a H sound deep from the throat, i think pharyngeal is what they call it in phonetic terms.

Inshallah = God willing (used often in conversations)
ya3ni is replaced more with za3ma, i think in Morocco. I’m not 100% sure though. The 3 sound is a gutteral glottal sound from the throat.

Good luck. Thalla frasek (Take care)

Welcome back ultramarine, still working on Darija papers?

I’ll try my best to help.

Here are some famous Moroccan “expressions”:
Yekh = Yuck
Tfou = Damn it, literally, it’s a spit.
Awwah = Wow. This one is a bit slangish, and a kind of youngish expression. Older people don’t use it, nor is it used in formal contexts.
Allah! = Used for anything beautiful.
A77 = Ouch
Ouf = Phew

Animal sounds in Moroccan Arabic:
Bee --> Zzzzz
Cat --> Miaw
Dog --> Haw haw (yes, how, not woof)
Bird --> Tiw tiw
Chicken --> Kokko3o
Cow --> Mooo
Donkey --> Eee-aaa Eee-aaa
Goat --> Maa2
Sheep --> baa3

I hope this helps answer your request.

Nice. Animal sounds in Moroccan Arabic. Didn’t find this in any textbook yet.
Cows in Morocco sure seem to low a bit different than those in Holland. And your chickens are quite talkative compared to ours.
Right, who is going to lend his or her voice and put these sounds on record in the SpeakMoroccon video channel?
I would do it myself of course, but I’m not a Moroccan native speaker and therefore my contribution can’t be accepted.

thank you everybody:)
no, SimplyMoroccan, last semester I finished my Darija papers and now Arabic Morphology is on:)
So, about the numbers used in the latin transliteration: I know that 7, 3 and 9 stand for ? ? ?, but what does 2 stand for? Knowing how a goat sounds, is it possible that you wrote a 2 instead of a 3?
(and, yes, all the posts are really helpful :slight_smile: )

ok, here are some from MSA - it’s up to you to say which are used in Morocco (and how) and which are not.

?? – (sah) - Shut up!
?? – (bas) Enough! Basta!
???- (hayya) - Come on! Hurry up!
7ayya - Come (only when calling for a prayer)
??? (halumma) Come here —> hallumak, (you come) halummakum (you (many) come).
??, ??? (ha, ha’) –there you go, take! - also with k as an ending.
(Amin) - Amen ???
???- (amamak) - move it, go ahead!
??? (wara’ak) back off, go back! come back
???- (makanak) Stay where you are! Stop!
7adir! beware!
kakh! - No! Don’t!
taa9 - when hitting smth.

It’s not that what Ultramarine said is wrong; I am using his/her example as a building block upon which to set up a pattern.

Amam, wara’, and makan are independent words which have been modified by the addition of (genitive) pronoun suffixes. Those pronoun suffixes, in their turn, are modifications of independent pronouns. The concept is quite alien to English.

As a way of expressing possession (that is what the genitive case does, here) you put a pronoun suffix after the thing which you wish to express possession of.

If we say, “ana amam” it means “I (am in) front (of)”; if we change the independent pronoun to a suffixed form and say, “Amamy” it means, “(in) front (of) me”.

1st person MSA pronouns:
independent forms: ana = I suffixed genitive forms: y = I in front of me = amamy
na7nu = we na = we in front of us = amam

2nd person MSA pronouns
independent forms: anta = you, male singular suffixed g.f. ka = you, m.s. in front of you = amamka
anti = you, feminine singular ki = you, f.s. in front of you = amam
antuma = dual, neuter kuma = you, d.n. in front of you = amamkuma
antum = you, male plural kum = you, m.p. in front of you = amam
antunna = you, feminine plural kunna = you, f.p. in front of you = amam*kunna

3rd person MSA pronouns
independent forms: huwa = him, male singular suffixed g.f. hu = him, m.s. in front of him = amamhu
hiyya = her, feminine sing. ha = her, f.s. in front of her = amam
huma = dual, neuter huma = dual, neuter in front of the twain =
hum = them, male plural hum = them, m.p. in front of them = amam
hunna = them, feminine plural hunna = them, f. p. in front of them = amam*hunna

You can put practically any word in front of a genitive suffix and achieve a possessive construct. Just substitute the word you want for ‘amam’. Some examples of the same type of words as “amam” and “wara’” are:

  1. ta7t = beneath
  2. fawq = on top
  3. bayn = between/among
  4. 3ala = upon
  5. fiy = in

…and that’s all she wrote.

nice…i like

tbrak llah 3lik ummaryam99