SM forum is FIVE years old today - Le forum SM a CINQ ans aujourd'hui

Notice the day my Admin account was created? That’s when SM forum first started running, and that was 5 years ago.
The forum was beaming at times, and sleeping at others. But remember, it’s all yours, and it’s up to you to revive it.

Voilà voilà, ça fait 5 ans que le forum SM en ligne, des fois rayonnant d’activité, et d’autres dormant paisiblement. Rappelez-vous que le forum dépend principalement de vous, et que c’est à vous de le faire revivre ;).

Well done, maarten! :wink:

The warmest congratulations to our SM !!!

The best of all, and many many many more funny and nice days for everyone here !

mebrouk and i really hope all other members get back here asap … atleast i can c touta here but we need to give life to this forum coz i c it dead now

My dear lil forum, growin up, look at it startin to walk & startin ti talk :stuck_out_tongue: it was2 years old when i knew it hhhhh

Congratulation to all the SM community and I agree with Madridista we need to give life to this forum again :slight_smile:

come on paky wanna c u here more often :wink:

… it would be so great to see here all our guys :slight_smile:

Thank you Admin. - I’m still hoping that you will have time to become active here again one day ! I miss you ! :cry:

And THANK YOU maarten for all your great posts ! I’m always looking to see if there are any more coming ! :okay:

Marteen, always with a special reply, shukran.
Thank you all, Touta, Madridista, Paperbird, Pakyrus, and lise.

Long time indeed, Lise. I don’t promise anything, but I’ll try to come as much as I can.