salam guys i know i’m bombarding you all with too many questions lately… wellah i can’t explain how useful you’ve all been to my darija… Allah y3tikom ljannah nchallah simply bcoz of your help on the forum
anyway here are my q’s:
what is the word shy in darija? example: i am shy
the verb to return in darija?
example: i will return or i returned
[quote=Paperbird]“3awed” is “repeat”…it’s “y3ood” in fos7a but in darija “y3ood” means more “to become”
other word for “rja3” is “welli” , which also can mean “become”
messed up a lil bit huh ?[/quote]
iyyeh wellit 7ama9
i nvr heard y3ood become what instance can you use it in? the same as welliti or b9eiti…are these two verbs you are talking about 3awed and y3ood the same word or no? 3-w-d?
[quote=LallaAïcha]- the verb to return in darija?
example: i will return or i returned[/quote]
if it’s like “I returned a book to the library”, then it’s rejje3t…
wellit, I heard of only on Algerian songs or Algerian dialect… ghodwa nwalli leddar kinda things…
3edt never heard… I hear Marrakchi people say “ana bin3ood ndir something something”, meaning “I’ll start doing something something”… 3edt leddar would sound too strange for me
I can’t remember that other word sa7rawi people use…