short sentence

What does: “malk ghedbane w mkhebbi wejhek?” and: “bghit ghir nefhem malk maaya” mean?

And is there something like a dictionairy online to look words up for their meaning?

why are u mad and hiding your face

i just want to understand your problem with me

for darija words the best resource i have found is to do a search of this forum. strategically, you should check different spellings and conjugations, and search by ‘posts’ instead of ‘topics’

if the word is related to fos7a, it’s possible you could find some luck on google translate or another online dictionary.

If you speak French :

Otherwise there is a book :

A Dictionary of Moroccan Arabic
Moroccan - English
English - Moroccan
Richard S. Harrell
Pub. Georgetown University Press

Dictionaries are quite tricky to use because there is no standardized romanization of Arabic.
Let alone standardized spelling of darija!

I tried the link but it hardly recognizes any words at all :frowning:
from: bach arefti hadchi kollo? I only got the translation for bach as “for” so I still have no idea what the rest means or how it would be spelled otherwise.

:yuck::blink: that sucks. are you surprised that you cant just instantly google translate an entirely different language/grammatical structure/culture + constantly changing slang :blink::yuck:

I would be stunned if google got anything from darija! It’s not a common Arabic dialect and there’s the issue of what English characters you use to write the ARabic.

No, now that I know that everyone spells it his own way I am not surprised that it’s impossible to translate by any online translator.
Still have no idea what the rest of the sentence means though… I tried changing the spelling but it seems I can’t find a known one.

bach arefti hadchi kollo

My guess on this sentence would be
“Don’t you understand this (thing/subject) completely” assuming this is a question.
If it’s not a question then something like " You understand this (thing/subject) completely"

Not real sure what the “bach” means here

[quote=cookie]No, now that I know that everyone spells it his own way I am not surprised that it’s impossible to translate by any online translator.
Still have no idea what the rest of the sentence means though… I tried changing the spelling but it seems I can’t find a known one.[/quote]
it’s more than this.

@sahir1 nice!! bach means ‘to’ or ‘in order to’-- it is pretty impossible to correctly translate this comment without understanding the context of the idea or the rest of the sentence. and it would be in any language, ‘spelled right’ or not.