I’m a girl saying this to my uncle…
“hello Tif! Happy eid, I wish I could be with you all during this special time. Kiss everyone for me. I will see you soon”
I’m a girl saying this to my uncle…
“hello Tif! Happy eid, I wish I could be with you all during this special time. Kiss everyone for me. I will see you soon”
slam Tif! mabrouk l3eid, ma krahtch nkoun ma3kom fl3wachir. bossat kbira 3la koulchi nchoufkom 9arib
but im not sure about 1 thing: ma krahtch…or netmana…or yareet :PP or something else…so u might wanna wait to see what somebody else says
also just for me, i think it sounds weird when you translate it to call your uncle his name and not 3ammi or khali…but i dont know anything : D
Nice use of ma krahtch, but it makes you think that the person is trying to do that…
My suggestion is:
“hello Tif! Happy eid, I wish I could be with you all during this special time. Kiss everyone for me. I will see you soon”
Salam Tif! 3id mobarak sa3id. Kent kantmenna nkoun m3akom kamlin f had le3wacher. Bouss lia ljami3. Nchoufkom qariban.
PS: Bossat kbira 3la kolchi make it sound like the kisses fall from above. Good job overall, ach, nice progress.
choukran pour ltasjia3t wal tasli7at
hmmm yes we dont want the kisses falling from above
Ach, I am not sure how big your head grew since you improved your Darija, or how perspective you’d think my corrections are, but here you go:
awayli khti darori obligee. 3afik ri zidi l :fouet: . raki 3arifa tanbghi to get better in moroccan language.
choukran pour ttachjia3t wa ttas7i7at
keda ho? : D
Very good!
But no keda ho (Egyptian), mayb you forgot how to say it in Darija. It’s “hakka?” = This way? Like this?
geez no egyptian at all?! that was just a joke!
I was joking too, and at the same time, taking the opportunity to teach that sentence to people who don’t know it.
itouuuuuuuub 3leki