Seeking Darija/Moroccan Arabic study partner(s)

I am looking for someone to engage in serious, structured, long-term, mutual self instruction in Darija, also known as Moroccan Arabic. I propose to go through the Peace Corps manual step-by-step, page by page, lesson by lesson from beginning to end. We will meet regularly online using an IM chat at least twice a week for half an hour if not more. The goal is to be able to sustain a wide-ranging conversation with native Moroccans who don’t know any other language. This project will not be concerned with any other language, dialect, or what have you. The point is to speak Darija fluently. If you’re interested, please contact me. Shokran.

Did you find anyone at all?
Not all forum members know of the book or have it, so I hope that you found study partners (there).

I got a few people from the learn moroccan group on yahoo. But I would still welcome some experts from this forum!