sda3 rass(what is??) help....

hi! i found in a site that write… SDA3 RASS and also a nickname SDA3RA so i’m wondering about the meaning of SDA3
and other words…or phrases…

tavarje f lalla laroussa
hada aje hna bach kalso kalsa romansiea safi (veeery complicated…)
daroli(is it possible?) ex… baghi shoufek daroli …


i’ll try to help you (but don’t forget that i am too learning darija)…:smiley:

SDA3= noise
RASS= head
tavarje f lalla laroussa: i suppose this means i watched lalla la3roussa (a moroccan emission of reality television )
hada aje hna bach kalso kalsa romansiea safi (veeery complicated…) hada means this, come here to sit down in a romantic way, that’s all.
daroli(is it possible?) ex… baghi shoufek daroli … = darori =necessarily ex —> ]…?.. see you necessarily[/b] (baghi is verb to want but don’t i know the tense, sorry!

thanks indeed Kounouz :smiley: you helped and it seems you are very good in learning darija…

I am here to confirm :), thanks Kounouz for helping!
Sdâ3 rrâs combined then means headache, when you call something or someone a headache.

Watch Lalla la3rousa.
The spelling is different.

I think that hada was probably meant to be Huda (feminine name). So the person was inviting Huda to come have a merely romantic soirée.

Darori is necessarily indeed. In the context, it’s translated to:
I want to see you, it’s important.
I absolutely need to see you.