
An old cat will not learn how to dance.

How is the above written and said in Moroccan Arabic ?

[quote=mtm66781]An old cat will not learn how to dance.

How is the above written and said in Moroccan Arabic ?[/quote]
Please don’t tell me that it’s for a tattoo :hm:. Regardless of what I personally think of tatoos, the sentence in Darija sounds very funny, and I wouldn’t recommend it to be a tattoo.

[large]??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]
Msh-sha shârfa mâ ghâdyâsh tt3llm kîfâsh tshT7.

I am trying to think of a Moroccan equivalent of this saying of yours, or “you don’t teach an old dog how to play new tricks”. And the one that comes to my mind is the Egyptian one: Lammâ shâb, waddôh elkottâb = It’s when he became old that they took him to kindergarten.