Salam! Before I request this translation, I think I should give some background about it lol. I spent this past summer in Morocco and part of my stay there included a two-week homestay in a village, which was an awesome experience. My friend and I (we’re both girls, if that helps with the overall picture lol) would really like to write a letter to my host family and would appreciate if this letter could be translated to Darija in Arabic as well as English writing, if possible. Thanks!!
"Dear Smaa, Nadia, and Fatimazahra,
Salam! This is (name) and (name)! We hope you are very well! We miss you and Amar very very much! It seems long ago that we were together, but you are still very close to our hearts! You are truly like our own family. We will always remember your smiles, your kindness, and all the fun we had together. We are forever thankful to you.
God bless you. We love you, and we hope to see you again one day!
Lots of Love,
(name) and (name)"
There is a second note another girl friend would like to have translated:
"Dear Zahor, Hanan, and Siyam,
Salam! I miss you, my sisters. I hope you are very well. We were not able to say a proper goodbye. I want to thank you for everything. You are very kind girls. You will always be very close to my heart! I send you my love and best wishes.
God bless you. I hope to see you again one day."
Thanks sooooo much to anyone who can help!