Récit en darija

Essai de texte en Darija - soyez indulgentes avec moi :wink:

RhâSnî nrj3 llmaghrîb. Mshît li had lbled fî sh-har 3shar lli fât walâkin mâ shôftsh ghîr shwiyya dyalhô. Mâ mshîtsh li Râba-Sale mâ Fâss mâ Meknes mâ lmedina lm’7iyra fîhôm : Agadir.
l3am lli fât, kônt 3ndi guide ismhô 'brahim. Kân drîf bzzâf wa tkellem '7msat llôghât : darija wa engliziyya wa franSiyya w allemanîyya wa japaniyya. Wa '7âl liyya ky3llem lbâskiyya (langue basque).

I want to try :smiley:

I want to go back to Morocco. I went to this country last October but I only saw a little bit of it. I didn’t go to Raba-Sale or Fass or Meknass or lmedina lm’7iyra (the best one maybe): Agadir.
Last year I had a guide whose name was Brahim. He was very humorous and spoke 5 languages Darija, English. French, German, and Japanese. and also teaches basque language.

But I’m not sure of course SimplyMoroccan will correct me :smiley:

- Moved to the exercises forum.

Onc’Kamel, you’re doing good. It’s a good exercise to try to write paragraphs, it makes you use your vocabulary and polish your grammar.

[color=#0E49F0]KhâSnî nrj3 llmaghrîb. Mshît li had lbled fî sh-har 3shra lli fât walâkin mâ shôftsh ghîr shwiyya mnnô. Mâ mshîtsh lâ lrrbâT, lâ lslâ, lâ lfâs, lâ lmknâs, wa lâ lelmedina lm’7iyra fîhôm : Agadir.
l3am lli fât, kân 3ndi guide smîtô 'brahim. Kân drîf bzzâf wa kayhdr '7msa d llôghât : ddarija wa nngliziyya wa lfranSiyya w l2allemanîyya wa lyâbâniyya. Wa gâl liyya kyt3llem lbâskiyya (langue basque).[/color]

  • I understand why you used “dyâlô” (possession) = of it, but you should use mnnô (integration) = of it .
  • I put the Arabic versions of the names of the cities, and the correct form to say: nor.
  • Ah les flatteries pour Agadir :D.
  • Other corrections are in bold.

@ Hiba:

  • Zarif in the middle east means funny, but Driyyf in Darija means nice.
  • Onc’Kamel probably meant kayt3llm (he learns) and not kay3llm.
    Well done :).
    Hiba, you can try to write a paragraph too ;).

shôkran bzzâf ya shrifâ

Rhâsni et '7âl étaient des fautes d’orthographe. Pour le reste, je prends bonne note.

A ce propos, yâ shrifâ, l’une d’entre vous pourrait-elle nous donner un cours sur les formes de politesse ? (comment dire Monsieur/Madame selon le degré de respect, déférence, familiarité, mépris, etc.

Merci d’avance :okay:

bravo Onc’Kamel :okay:
une autre! une autre! :clap:

:hap: a+

Onc’Kamel, tu peux continuer dans ce même topic, quand tu veux :).