Quick translation! urgent! thank you!

Hey, can someone translate this for me? that would be veeeery helpful! thank so you much

La safi ahbibi khali ila konti ta nta mzayr manzidch nkaml 3lik

Ana anamchi w jihane

Hta ana anduz l tem ghaliban

Ewa safi natbachro tema

Iwa nta tedi jihane. Ou ana ndi ydi?

Ana had lmachya jat ghir 3la ghafla, Jihane aykhassha tamchi darori l rabat f fin décembre ta9di wahd lblan urgent w galna hiya hadik namchiw bjoj w ndozo moraha m essaouira. Jib m3ak sata. Wala dabr 3la sata tema.

3la molana

if he is your bf. He’s planning with his friend to have sex with Jihane and another girl that’s what he said

llah i9derna 3la fi3l lkhier :frog: