quick translation from english to darija

hi i just have a quick translation!

how would you say “what is the name of the boy standing second from the left?”

thank you! I’m glad to be back on here again! :^^:

one more thing! how would you say “what are the names of the people in this picture?”

Thanks again! :hap:

Salam mmks13

I hope you don’t mind me using this as a translation exercise, :wink:

To native - speakers : could you please correct, and let me know if at least it would be understood. Thanks/Shukran.

1 ash smitu l-weld tani mn lser ?

2 ash smithom n-nas f had teswira ?

@Lise, your 2nd phrase is clear, the 1st has is understandabe, but it’s “liser”. also hes said “the boy standing” so perhaps the picture includes people standing & other sitting, so to be specific u should’ve said : ash smit l-weld li wa9f tani mn liser (wa9f=standing).

@mmks13, u got ur answer :^^:

@ Paperbird

Shukran bezzaf 3la l-musa3da dyalk /??? ??? ??? ??? ???

It’s mosa3ada or mosaada, you’re writting mosada which means nth :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s mosa3ada or mosaada, you’re writting mosada which means nth :p[/quote]
So is it ??? ?

Do you mean nth = north. I thought ‘north’ was ‘shamal’ / ??? ? Or by ‘nth’ do you mean ‘nothing’ ??

Would you like English corrections in return for your help ?
I presume you would, so :
‘you’re writting’ should be ‘you’ve written’.
I realize that it may just be typos, I know many people write very fast and don’t bother correcting nowaday.

it’s “???”
by the way, you’re progressin’ in darija and i’m happy to see that !! :slight_smile:


ok thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :^^: