Q about the chamali "s"

hellooowww w salam guys

i noticed something… that in the chamali accent the “S” is pronounced in a sharp way… like there is emphasis on it… is this really the case or did i just hear a few exceptions? i don’t know exactly where the people i heard are from, but a willlllld guess would be tanja…
i just wanna hear some opinions regarding the S sound and whether it really is emphasized in the chamal accent.

thankS :wink:

the S & the T are sometimes spelled sharply from some people who have their tongue & teeth in a position that allows those letter to come out in a sharp emphasized way.

No special rules for S in chamali accent.

Note: the T is how we usually distinguish Moroccans from other Arabs when they’re all speaking fos7a (like in a historical fantasy TV serie)

I’ve noticed the T thing in moroccan darija, but not sure if it applies to all or it was just some ppl.
And a good clue about identifying Moroccans when they speak fus7a (i’ll try to notice that then)


soooo the s isn’t anything special to chamal, it’s just that some ppl say it different than others coz of their teeth and speaking style etc. ok that’s good to hear… :slight_smile:

p.s: i HEART the moroccan T :smiley:

thanks for the infoz

what do u mean guys by T ?? the english T or the french one ?

The English

looooll ok ok i cant deny :smiley: we have a special T in morocco

is there a difference between the english and french t??? :unsure:

i say tchu es instead of tu es… but that’s about it… plz tell me what the diff is

The different is in the letter itself, the English T is the Moroccan ta2 (3rd letter), the french T is the egyptien ta2 (3rd letter)

for Moroccan darija, often the English T is ta2 (3rd letter) & the french T is ta2 (16th letter)

ok i don’t fully get why the french would use tha as their T… but thanks for explaining… i might realise it fully later on


It’s not “Tha” it’s Ta2, like in Tayr (bird)

sorry i got confused when you said egyptian t and automatically assumed its the letter after ta

i see now… :slight_smile: barakallahu fik

[quote=Paperbird]The different is in the letter itself, the English T is the Moroccan ta2 (3rd letter), the french T is the egyptien ta2 (3rd letter)

for Moroccan darija, often the English T is ta2 (3rd letter) & the french T is ta2 (16th letter)[/quote]
do u mean that egyptian T (3rd) in some places who stress on T a bit that it sounds kinda but not exactly like “tch”? that’s the 3rd too in darija, isn’t it?
(…different from the 16th, pronounced solely the 3rd is a bit “kasra” and the 16th is a bit “fat7a”, am I clear!!)

Tch ? i believe it’s Ts…it’s hard to describe the issue with wtiting, u shoukd hear it.

yeah not exactly “tch” but some ppl write to me “ezayek ya 7abibtchy” so I know they refer to those minority who speak like that…
Anyway, thanks , and yeah U’r right, I have to hear it

Thanks :slight_smile: